Archive for November 2007

Cat and Crawfish

(YouTube link) I can imagine the dialogue for this encounter: Crawfish: Stay back! I am big, scary, and dangerous! Cat: Oh, hai! Do u has a flavor? Dog: Zzzz. Warning: You may be whis...

The World's Highest Fountain

King Faud’s Fountain in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia shoots water over a thousand feet into the air! See a video of the fountain in action at deputy dog.

Caption Monkey 13: What's Cookin' ?

Yay! It's time Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey. This week's game is special: you get to imagine what Pip and Meowlin Q. Kitteh are saying in the LOLCats drawing above, made specially for this co...

The Bus Stop Bench (Anti-) Ad Project

Anti-Advertising Agency and artist Packard Jennings just completed what they're calling the Bus Stop Ad Project - basically an anti-ad campaign in Oakland, California:The Agency created a survey to poll residents in...

Potty Training Pottery from Ancient Greece

What is this strange clay contraption? Boing Boing has the answer: a potty training pottery device from ancient Greece!Link - Thanks monique!Of course, potty training would go a lot faster if you just use this J...

Frada: Where High Fashion Meets Low Finance

Image: mgonamission [Flickr]Found at Counterfeit Chic, a blog dedicated to spotlighting piracy and copying in fashion design....

1,000 Hula Hoop Dome

Photo: Alan R. TanseyWhat do you get when you give $3,000-worth of hula hoops to an architect? You get this: One thousand PVC hula hoops have been used to make the Storefront Ring Dome Pavilion in Petrosino Park, in...

Cult Movie Poster by Jeff McMillan: "All Together Now"

A few months ago, Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles had a cult movie-themed art show in Los Angeles hosted by Clerks writer/director Kevin Smith and his producer Scott Mosier. The exhibit had tons of artworks inspir...

The Model of a Psychopharmacologist

(YouTube link) Sung by Stephen M. Stahl, MD, PhD, of the Neurosciences Education Institute, with apologies to Gilbert and Sulivan. -via OmniBrainMajor-General Song, psychopharmacologist...

Tampon Turkey Centerpiece

Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner? Why not add a little "flair" to your tablesetting by making this turkey centerpiece made from ... tampons!Another crafty creation from the folks at Tampon Crafts: Link - Thank...

Working for the Man

"Admit it. No matter how good or bad the job, past or present, we're all just 'working for the man,' whether we mean it jokingly or seriously," said Jeffrey Yamaguchi, the author of Working for the...

Video: Can we grow energy?

Juan Enriquez says we don't know for sure where coal, oil, and gas come from. But the consensus is that they're derived from ancient plants = they're "concentrated sunlight." So can we accelerate the process?...

He Was Once

This is a must see film by Mary Hestand. This surreal, live-action Davey and Goliath inspired short will leave you puzzled. Goliath is a punk rock footstool and Davey turns his ear around backwards on his head while hi...

Stuck Santa

Santa Claus made his entrance at a Texas mall over the weekend. Since theree was no chimney, Santa rappelled down the side of the building... almost. He became stuck about 30 feet from the ground. "And what happened...

Rabbit with Kittens

In the latest installment of cute interspecies adoption, Summer the rabbit has become bonded with a litter of abandoned kittens. Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the kittens home to foster, expecting her cat Ellie to...

How well do you know your world?

In this geography game, click as close to the prompted location as you can, but remember, speed counts! I scored 353,403 points through ten levels, not high enough to play the last two levels. Link -via Militant Playtpus...

The True Origin of Hip-Hop Music

(YouTube link) In the latest Chinese viral video advertising series from Nokia, the story goes that hip hop originated in the 60s in a farming village in Inner Mongolia. The master of the art is a 60-year-old who goes...

Vikings-Packers Game in Time-Lapse Photography

Using time-lapse photography, Journal Sentinel photographer Tom Lynn offers a day in the life of a game at Lambeau Field. Tom began by stationing a Canon EOS Mark II digital camera, mounted with a 16mm lens, atop t...

Animal Crossing Tragedy

Get your hankies ready as you watch this story from YTMND about the game Animal Crossing. Then call your mother. Link -via Metafilter (The link was hijacked earlier; it's fixed now)...

Why Don't We Have a Word for That?

The following is reprinted from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: World of Odd.Americans excel at inventing colorful expressions and slang, but it turns out other countries are pretty good at it, too. He...

Pascal's Wager on Global Warming

Here's an interesting video where a guy applied Pascal's wager [wiki] on global warming. YouTube user johnq5, a science teacher, asked this question: what is the consequence if global warming is false and we spend tons o...

Robber Armed with a ... Staple Gun!

A Kentucky man went into an ice cream store and demanded money, or he would shoot the workers with ... staples!Gerald A. Rocchi, 32, was arrested shortly after he flashed a chrome-plated stapler at an employee of The...

R2-D2 Soy Sauce Container

Star Wars figures are fun but not very practical. That's probably the reason why this Japanese company made a functional R2-D2 figure: it doubles as a soy sauce dispenser!

Lightsaber Battle in Toronto

Photo: Roger CullmanLori Kufner and Kevin Bracken of NewMindSpace have organized a fun and free urban "party" where people are invited to be parts of a public art installation, like a pillow fight and massive b...

Bowling Pin Boys c. 1910

Photo: Lewis Wickes Hine (1910) - larger pic at Library of CongressBowling is an ancient sport - archaeologists have discovered primitive bowling balls and pins in an Egyptian tomb dating to 5200 BC.But before the mechan...

The 25 Greatest Viral Videos Ever

Mark Sullivan of PC World composed the 25 greatest viral video list ever.This one to the left is the 2004 Presidential Campaign parody "This Land is Your Land," created by Gregg and Evan Spiridellis of the now...

When He's Not Drinking, He's Just Moby to His Friends!

Super Punch just turned me on to what I'm sure will be a regular read: cartoons by brian over at Shoebox (a tiny little division of Hallmark) blog.If this one above isn't obvious, then you probably slept through your hig...

Painted Traffic Signal Boxes in Brisbane

Photo: C.y.flo [Flickr]This picture is but one of a large collection of painted traffic signal boxes in Brisbane, Australia. What a great way to beautify a drab, utilitarian urban fixture! Link [Flickr] - via Scribal Ter...

The Art of Waterboarding

In 1978, Cambodian artist Vann Nath was imprisoned by the Khmer Rouge. Turned out, his artistic ability was what kept him alive: out of 14,000 people who was imprisoned, Vann was only one of 7 to leave alive.After prison...

Money Portrait Origami

We've featured a number of money origami websites on Neatorama before, but Hasegawa Yosuke's folded currencies are something else: he focused on the faces of presidents, national heroes, and royalties that adorn many of...


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