Tay "I move away from the mic to breathe in" Zonday is back with a Dr. Pepper corporate-sponsored updated version of Chocolate Rain and a new professional YouTube video. Yay for Tay.
Edit by Alex - and here's the original Chocolate Rain:
[YouTube Link]
Alas, it's not to be.
Hilarious because this guy is so horrible.
Disgusting that people think this guy is talented.
I expect the usual retorts of:
"He's getting rich from it, so he must be more talented than you"
Let me make myself clear. This kid is not crazy like a fox. More, he's a bizarre residual anomaly birthed from the womb of one of our cultures newest forms of information sharing. Youtube (and sites like it) are definitely causing shock waves to ripple through popular media channels in ways previously unheard of, and this guy is proof positive that all you need to do it is a gimmick.
If I was single, I would be all up in his space totall mega groupie love y'know?
Yall better not say anything bad about my secret lover, or I will destroy you. Oh, don't tell my boyfriend k?
LOVE TAY 4 EVA!!!!!!!!
If I was single, I would be all up in his space total mega groupie love y'know?
Yall better not say anything bad about my secret lover, or I will destroy you. Oh, don't tell my boyfriend k?
LOVE TAY 4 EVA!!!!!!!!
Famous rap group may have copyright issue with Zonday.
Famous rap group may have copyright issue with Zonday.
Famous rap group may have copyright issue with Zonday.