Key to Reserva, a Movie From Scorsese/Hitchcock

What would happen if acclaimed film director Martin Scorsese [imdb] got a script by Alfred Hitchcock [imdb] that was never made into a movie? Can Scorsese make the film like Hitchcock would've made it? There's a catch: the script has a missing page ...

This Christmas, Freixenet wine sponsored "Key to Reserva," an ad campaign unlike any other. Movie lovers, follow the link: Link

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This unfinished movie script of Hitchcock has been rumoured to exist for many years. I remember first hearing about it when I was a student in the London School of Film Technique many years ago. We tried to find out what the plans were but without success even though we were once transferred to a production office in Hollywood by phone to some guy 'doing the research' on it! That was subsequently denied by Head Office - normal Hollywood secrecy rules about projected movies - and the guy in question vanished. Very Hitchcockian in itself.
So why don't you all write to the Freixenet - Reserva - Pimecava company at:, and ask them to ask Scorsese to make the movie. I already did.

From Tim in Ireland.
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The Utne Reader posted an interesting blog about "Scorsese's Hitchcock" that covers some more of the references and also the manuscript claim:
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I'm guessing it's a goof - the names and homages are too spot-on to be otherwise. And Ted Griffin (the s reenwriter of Ocean's Eleven) is named as a "creative consultant", which would be a nice cover if (as I suspect) he wrote it.

But one thing's for sure, it's one of the best goofs I've ever seen.
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But my question is, is it legitimately taken from an unfinished Hitchcock script or was that a goof and it's Scorsese doing an homage to Hitchcock for a commercial?
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