The Man with Five Kidneys


One day, Brigham Nordstrom of Hautapu, New Zealand got a kidney infection and was admitted to the hospital. There, doctors found out that he's got a little something extra:

"The doctors took a scan. Then I had to get a second one done. They wanted to have another look."

Doctors had found one duplex kidney and one triplex kidney. Instead of having one tube or ureter joining each kidney to the bladder, Mr Nordstrom had two tubes on the left and three on the right.

Accordingly, the duplex kidney has two parts and the triplex has three parts, meaning it is quite likely Mr Nordstrom has five kidneys altogether.

Link - via Spluch (photo: Peter Drury / Waikato Times)

Comments (6)

I have respect for this guy. He and I are soulmates. While I may not have five, I DO have three kidneys. One on my right, two on my left side. It feels good to see that the multikidney society is live and well.
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My Mom has multiple organs as well. Turns out she absorbed a twin in utero. Unfortunately, cancer prevents her from donating any of her excess innards. Ah well.

I bet this guy's got the cleanest blood on the planet!

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I have three too! Unfortunately, the way I understand it, they are sort of like conjoined twins (in my case, at least) you really can't break up the pair.
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I have just discovered that I have 4 kidneys . I am totally shocked and nervous. Is it affect my health? Do I need to do some exams to find out what happen to me?
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