He lost his leg when he was very young. She lost an arm in a car accident. But their ballet won a dance competition on a Chinese TV network, CCTV9. -via Phil’s Phun
I accidentally found this video after trying to track down the Paulina Semionova ballet video. I was just replaying it on another browser (lovely music ^^) when I came across this neatorama post. @_@;;;
wow!!! this made me think of that old kung fu flick The Crippled Master. if anyone looks that up on youtube, check out the armless guys sweet bo staff skills...
I accidentally found this video after trying to track down the Paulina Semionova ballet video. I was just replaying it on another browser (lovely music ^^) when I came across this neatorama post. @_@;;;
scary. haha.
And it seems my ceiling is leaking...right on to my face...