Mountain Coat Range

This Mountain Coat Range by d-ECO-rate uses excess wood to create a silhouette of the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Grand Tetons. The jagged edges serve as a place to hang your coat and scarves! - via Think.BigChief

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you 3 should lighten up. sheesh.

its a cool idea... and if you looked at the site youd see a close-up of the not so jagged peaks. it says its sealed with varnish too.
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Um yeah, OK, it's SEEMS like a good idea and all, but -

you had better round off some of them jagged sharp edges of the mountains - it's a guarantee that some expensive jackets and coats are going to be ripped to shreds by those tips. I'm certainly not going to risk hanging my expensive leather jacket, even by its loop, just in case some other part of the jacket gets snagged by them sharp jagged edges. Ya dig?
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