A six-year-old cat named Baby fell from a third-storey window at her home in London and broke both her back legs. Veterinarians fitted her with metal implants to straighten the legs. But it wasn’t the first time. Baby...
Now you can have your cat saying "I'm thankful for my Spa" for next Thanksgiving.
When introduced to the Cat Spa, most cats react immediately approaching it, rubbing or rolling on it, or biting on the gum st...
British artist Tom Price created these "meltdown chairs" out of polypropylene rope by heating and pressing a seat-shaped form into the material.This chair is created by heating and pressing a seat-shaped fo...
We've featured Patz Fowle's ceramic creations before, but this one is so cool we can't pass it up: Vinny Van Goat, a half man half beast work of art that looks like a cross between Vincent Van Gogh and Patz' neighbor's g...