Taiwanese Firm Hosts Employee Lingerie Day.

In celebration of an exceptional launch of new camisoles, a Taiwanese lingerie company decided to make November 21st "Camisole Day". All 500 women working at corporate headquarters were encouraged to wear "only camisoles and knickers - much to the excitement of their male colleagues."

Surprisingly, over 450 of the women participated. Even more surprising - instead of being degraded or insulted by the event, most seemed rather excited. Link [Ananova]

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Hey atalanta0jess, would you please stop running off at the mouth and send me a photo of you in a camisole?

Oh, and make me a sandwich while you're at it.

You know you love it.
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If both the males and the females wore just underwear they would be out of business in 9 months when 450 women were out on maturnity leave. ;-)

They were thinking long-term . . . good play.
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Oh, brother.
It's in Taiwan - you expect equal treatment?

These people work around lingerie all day. They're probably less uptight and more desensitized to the idea of wearing lingerie. Plus, it sounds like they had fun. Heaven forbid people should have fun.

I agree, it is a workplace, but so are swimming pools, strip clubs, Hooters, and plenty of other places where women don't wear business suits.

Sure it's sexist, but it's just as sexist to blame the men for this. Maybe if enough women had said "no", they would have cancelled it.
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For the record, I'm an attractive young, confident woman who would not in the whole world ever be caught wearing only a camisole and underwear to work. It has nothing to do with finding the female body beautiful and worthy of appreciation, but has everything do with the fact that this occurred at a WORKPLACE. Where people are supposed to be WORKING, not appreciating each other's bodies. It is totally inappropriate to be wearing only underwear at work. It is also totally inappropriate for the management to be creating a sexually charged atmosphere in the workplace. Not to mention how sexist it is that only the women were asked to wear lingerie.

Women's bodies are worthy of admiration. So are men's. It's telling that only women are routinely expected/asked to show off their curves.
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The Pill may not have fulfilled all its hopes, but it sure made a difference in the size of families. In my experience, it seems that everyone older than me has seven to ten siblings, and everyone younger comes from a family of two or three children (with some exceptions of course). If a person my age is the youngest of the family, he or she often has many older siblings. If a person my age is the oldest, he or she usually only has one or two younger siblings. The Pill gave women the power to decide how many children they birthed.
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"The proper course of courtship was to go steady, become lavaliered, pinned, then engaged."

I didn't know that they gave PhDs in 50s television. Did she do her dissertation on The Donna Reed Show?
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I know for a fact that The Pill is the main reason my mom felt that she could attain a doctorate in economics and not be tied down as soon as she was out of high school. I was born a few years after she got her Masters degree, after she met my dad (her student, actually :P). She was 29 years old by then.
Her PhD was finished by the time I was 7 years old, but if the pill hadn't held off my birth and then my brother's birth, she said that it never would have happened.
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The pill has uses for things other than preventing pregnancy. Like preventing horrible giant cysts, managing heavy bleeding and cramps and lots of other things. Preventing pregnancy is just its original and main use.
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Uh, some of those ''smaller'' families are probably due to something called abortion as well as the pill.

The pill is a good way to control when you get pregnant. Can't say it's been great for girls and women as a lifestyle choice, though.

Pretty much means, now, that girls start having sex at an incredibly young age and have sex with an outrageous number of men by the time they decide to settle down.

Can't see how having more lovers than you can count on one hand (or two) is a good thing.

In any day and age.
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Lulu I think lots of boys pityfully will testify that lots of girls still not have had "outrageous number(s) of men by the time they decide to settle down" like you put it.

I think the pill will have had (a lot of) influence, but also a lot in other areas than strictly the pregnancy control- Lots of females I know use the pill as a way to control, manage and time their period and the moodswings and bellyhurts that accompany that. They still not go all-out in sexual activity, but they use it to just have easier lives as it comes to being able to participate in activities that otherwise would be hindered by their monthly inconveniences. So in that respect I do see that the pill can be great as a lifestyle choice.
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lulu: Kids aren't having sex younger:

Also, what's wrong with having lots of sexual partners? You're not instantly given a sexually transmitted infection or an unwanted pregnancy after you've had a certain number of partners. As long as people practice safe sex, it doesn't matter how many partners someone has had.
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