Huck Chuck Facts: Huckabee Ad with Chuck Norris

Former governor of Arkansas and 2008 Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee just launched this ad, called Huck Chuck Facts, where he and Internet meme-sensation Chuck Norris traded "facts".

This must've locked in the Walker, Texas Ranger votes! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

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Hey this is a crackup. The worse politics gets in the States, the less in contact with reality the election process gets. Chuck was a karate expert who knows zilch about the the border issue. Where are al your cheap guestworkers and maids going to come from? Who's going to do all that hard farm labour? Last I heard the farmers couldn't get enough seasonal workers cause good old Bush stuffed up.
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Yeah, Vin diesel is more talented than Chuck Norris, because achievements like winning the Professional Middleweight Championship in Karate 6 years in a row, Retiring 65-5 in his professional career, and being the First Westerner in history to become an 8th Degree Black belt grandmaster in Tae-kwon-do are alot less remarkable than being in a couple of shitty movies.
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Any body remember when it was Vin Diesel facts?
Chuck Norris is funnier because he's less talented.
This ad is a great example of what can go wrong when people with irony deficiency get the mitts on something popular.
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