Stuck Santa

Santa Claus made his entrance at a Texas mall over the weekend. Since theree was no chimney, Santa rappelled down the side of the building... almost. He became stuck about 30 feet from the ground.
"And what happened was his beard got caught in his rope-thing," one eyewitness said. "So then he couldn't get out, so then somebody threw him some scissors, and he started cutting his beard off, but then he was still stuck."

Have no fear, Santa was rescued by an emergency crew. Link (with video) -via Fark

hey, remember me? probably not, but that's ok. i haven't been on here in forever! i switched IPs and lost all my favorites. blah blah blah, i found you again!

anyway, so i had happened to glance up at the tv last night when this story was airing on the news, and i was thinking, That's what Santa get's for coming before Thanksgiving!

anywho, i'm glad to be back!
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