Death Scene: While Waiting for a Train to Pass, the Roadrunner is Fatally Clubbed with a Stop Sign (2003)
In the Looney Tunes cartoon, the Road Runner always managed to survive death traps set by Wile E. Coyote. But not in Rosemarie Fiore's artwork!
In her artwork series "Death Scenes," Rosemarie constructed elaborate ceramic dioramas where the Road Runner always died at the end! It got stung to death by bumble bees, stabbed to death in a cactus patch, squashed by jet-propelled pogo stick, and so on!
Previously on Neatorama: Good-Time Mix Machine: Drawings by Scrambler Amusement Park Ride and Vintage Video Game Photography, both by Rosemarie Fiore
Is this why we have so many conceptual artists? Lots of ideas, but no talent?