Jack Daniels May Go Down the Drain

Hundreds of bottles of Jack Daniels were seized in raids in Nashville and Lynchburg, Tennessee, and may be poured down the drain. Some of the bottles are nearly 100 years old!

Authorities are still determining how much of the liquor will be disposed of, and how much can be sold at auction.

Tennessee law requires officials to destroy whiskey that cannot be sold legally in the state, such as bottles designed for sale overseas and those with broken seals.

One of the sealed bottles is dated 1914, which makes it worth $10,000 by itself! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/11/15/national/a125256S24.DTL&tsp=1 ~via Fark

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It's daft, I went to the distillery in Lynchburg a couple of year ago. The entire town seems to be based around Jack Daniels but it's illegal to sell alcohol in the town. You can buy special bottles from the distillery however, you buy the "bottle" and the alcohol in it comes free.
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The law makes perfect sense to me, this is just a case of an extreme, unexpected situation. I mean, if something cannot be legally sold in the state, should law enforcement officers be able to sell it? It's simply making sure there is no confusion: it's illegal to sell something that it is illegal to sell. Also, there should definately be restrictions on what seized property should be sold, to prevent abuses.

JDandICE-what are you babbling about? Is the idea that this particular brand is so awesome it has magical properties that exempt it from laws? Is the problem that liquor that was being sold by someone without a liscence was seized? I'm afraid I don't see what point you're trying to make.
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It's a shame the JD corporation turned into such greedy scum, lowering the proof of their liquor to up their profits a few years ago. Add to that the fact that their whiskey was always syrup-sweet in the first place, and definitely overpriced. It ranks pretty darn low for me.
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I just cannot understand Our Laws. I mean everyone trying to get money for this and for that. And Like I read Earlier, the Homeless would drink it. I have been to all the stores they are talking about. Only thing I found was some very Nice and Friendly People.
But now here Our LAWS are going to pour out a Legend and his Dreams. Why not Auction it all off, if it comes to that. And Give the money to the Homeless Shelters, Or Wait how About our School System. Oh wait, how about our Fire Departments. But no we are going to pour it out and then we still Beg for Donations for everything from School to Cancer.

Wake up and Do something right for once.

I reckon I should turn into a Drinker and Drink up my Collection.
Posted in a Kentucky Newspaper:
Punish the person, not the whiskey," said an outraged Kyle MacDonald, 28, a Jack Daniel's drinker from British Columbia who promotes the whiskey on his blog. "Jack never did anything wrong, and the whiskey itself is innocent."
My Great Grand Father Drank it and as been part of My Family Tree, Hell Mom use to rub it on our Gums for when we had a tooth that was hurting. I sit here now thinking Damn should I just say HELL with it have a big Party and Drink all of my Collection. I Agree if the Law was Broke then fine , But the Jack Bottles Did not Say Sell me. So why Waste something that taste so good.
I think Statement says it ALL:
Jack Daniel's celebrated 156 years in September 2006, and enjoys the title of the 'World's Number One Whiskey' due equally to the high quality of the product and the amazing legend and appeal of the story and man-behind-the-brand which makes Jack Daniel's an icon.

100 GREAT ICONS ranks Jack Daniel's as a top brand along with Rolls Royce, Tiffany & Co, and Chanel No 5. Also on the list are cultural icons such as the Eiffel Tower, the Paper Clip, Mona Lisa, Slinky, Post-Its and Scrabble.

Group Brand Manager for Jack Daniels at Brown Forman Australia, Jonny Croft said, "Jack Daniel's is thrilled to have secured a ranking in 100 Great Icons and we see our inclusion being reflective of the loyalty and passion that the Jack Daniel's legend inspires."
Asked why he chose to include Jack Daniel's in 100 Great Icons, Chris is quick to reply: "Some of the greatest icons have reached their level of respect and brand loyalty because of their makers' history of ingenuity and sheer passion to do something, one particular thing, extremely well. Jack Daniels is one of these brands and, no matter where you are in the western world, it represents not only quality and taste, but also a special experience"

"Jack Daniel's actually means something! From JD's instantly-recognizable bottle design and label, to the type of person the drink has come to represent, to its unswerving brand values and its long history and great passion for providing a quality product in an unhurried fashion, Jack Daniel's is undoubtedly a great icon. Oh, and it tastes mighty fine too!"
Jasper ("Jack") Newton Daniel life was born sometime in September 1850. He became a runaway at age six and at only 13 years old, Jack inherited the distillery from a Lutheran preacher named Reverend Dan Call (who decided to give up alcohol to refocus back on spiritual matters).

At the age of 16 Jack officially registered the distillery with the US government (1866). Today it is the oldest registered distillery in the USA, as well as being on the National Register of Historic Places.

Ironically, Jack's birthplace and the home of the renowned Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, Lynchburg Tennessee, is a dry state and since prohibition times in 1933, you have not legally been able to buy a drink there!

The American icon's life ended in 1911, when he developed gangrene after kicking an old safe.
Stand up and tell them what you think. Every Blog Post on It. Let them know the Legend Did not Break the Law. So why throw away His Great and Long lasting name.
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