Man Married Dog to Void Curse

Now this is weird: an Indian man, who suffered from sickness after stoning stray dogs to death 20 years ago, is atoning for his sins by ... marrying a stray dog!

P. Selvakumar, a 33-year-old farm labourer from the southern state of Tamil Nadu, married the four-year-old stray bitch after it was bathed and processed to his village temple dressed in an orange sari and garlanded with flowers. [...]

He was reported to have suffered a series of physical ailments after stoning the dogs to death and hanging their bodies from a tree.

“After that my legs and hands got paralysed and I lost hearing in one ear,” said Mr Selvakumar after the ceremony with his new "bride", whose name is Selvi.

A reception attended by some 200 guests was held for the newlyweds in the groom's house during which Selvi grew restless and ran away.

However she was subsequently recaptured and returned to her husband who gave her milk and a bun to eat.

Just as I thought: a dog will do anything for milk and bun! Link

now this is just plain crazy. donate to a charity. the spca, a wilderness fund. but to marry an animal. can that really happen? that is nuts. somebody call the animal police! so wrong.
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Seriously man, why couldn't you just donate to something like everyone else said, adopt a dog into your family, volunteer and a Humane Society, or something. But, marry a dog? What's the point? How did he choose this dog? Shouldn't this be ilegal? I mean, if humans and dogs can get married, but a couple of the same sex can't, what is this world coming to. These are all questions that would be great if there were and answer, but unfortunately, there probably aren't any.
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Now that is some crazy news. How will we know if that dog said "I do"? I bet she Thought "you freaking humans are nuts", she ran away after all!
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cruelity to animals is a sin as well as illegal.Ask for forgiveness from a higher power that might help you. Take the dog for a walk,tend to it's needs. However,you need to GET A GRIP!
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OMG... man this is one sick basterd. is this really how low humans r going? what is wrong with theese people? so now we've had enough from lezbiens and gays and we're into dogs? give me a break.
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It's just part of their belief system.

I heard about another indian man who married a barbie doll. It represented his dead wife, or something. I think I remember watching it on the National Geographic channel.

Marrying is supposed to be more symbolic in their culture. To put it more bluntly, he isn't going to do the unthinkable to this dog.
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Because gays and lesbians are no better than animals? sigh... what ignorant, hateful comments.

It is extremely weird, granted, but they're not doing the nasty. It's not at all comparable to two human beings who love each other getting married.

India's a big country - the folks who answer the help desk phones might be as humoured by this ritual as we are.
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Now, now, K2, that isn't very nice. I wasn't going down that path... We are all animals (speaking zoölogically) after all. I was just saying that since Massachusetts is permitting other "alternative" marriages, it only makes sense that man:animal is coming soon. Keep your fingers crossed... maybe you'll even get man:man:man or man:child:animal:man or whatever. Plural interspecial intergenerational relationships abound you know. The possibilities are endless! Why keep those that love each other apart?
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This totally insane, it shows that to what extent this man has been miss guided by some stupid religion workers. Comon doest it make any sense to any body who is human. Not to me atleast...
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