Itsy Bitsy Yoga

Yoga is a big business in United States, but it's hard to get adults to stretch and put themselves in odd and unnatural positions. So that's why Helen Garabedian's idea is so brilliant: 1) young children are an untapped market for yoga, and 2) they do all those yoga poses all the time anyhow!

"Let's start with a little centering," Blythe Berube Rowan says, and even those with a less-than-Seinfeldian sense of irony can find humor in this, as we are surrounded by manic munchkins speeding around the dance studio floor.

"Breathe in," Berube instructs as my 3-year-old daughter catapults onto my back. "Breathe out." (Indeed.)

Other children, wondering why all these grown women are on the floor, arrive in time to witness lion pose – mamas sticking their tongues out, widening their eyes and, basically, roaring. A few roar along. There is laughter.

Yoga or not, seems like the little squirts are having fun! Link (photo: Steve Zylius, The Orange County Register) - Thanks Julie Anne I!

It's easy to mock, sure. But which is worse? Spending time doing yoga with your baby or parking him in front of a Baby Einstein video while you busy yourself with your own activities?
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A friend of mine here in Seattle teaches dog yoga classes.
Her name is Brenda Bryan and she began offering classes in 2006.
She is a licensed massage therapist and yoga instructor, as well as an avid dog lover.
You can read more about her dog yoga classes here in an article on the Discovery Channel website written in April 2007, and also on her own website, and also on Brenda's Dog Yoga Blog.
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