Ten Minutes Seventeen Seconds Underwater!

That's escape artist David Merlini who just broke the world record for longest time spent underwater:

With his hands tied by five sets of police handcuffs, Merlini was locked down with 60 pounds of chains.

He was then padlocked in a metal cage and lowered into a locked transparent tank of water. [...]

Entertainer David Merlini posted a dizzying time of 10 minutes and 17 seconds without a breath while chained and handcuffed under water in a glass tank.

Link - via Discovery with Yeinjee

On his website it says he was in a "Chinese Water Torture Chamber" and is the first to hold his breath that long "in such conditions".

Seems pretty reasonable for a record to me.
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Xan and LB Jeffries FTW!

Re: records - Tom Sietas is the current world record holder for static apnea at 9 minutes and 8 seconds. I think this is the record broken by David Merlini.
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