Leaning Tower of Pisa No Longer World's Leaningest Building!

Aw, say it ain't so! The Leaning Tower of Pisa's record as the world's most lopsided building has just been knocked down by a German church steeple:

The tower in the village of Suurhusen applied in June for the title and has now officially beaten the famous landmark in Pisa.

Guinness Book of Records confirmed the award after officials measured it leaning at a 5.19 degree angle compared to only 3.97 degree angle at which the tower of Pisa leans.

Olaf Kuchenbecker of the Guinness World Records office in Hamburg said: "It is a world record."


"Whoever is in charge of this distinction should take a ride through “Down East” Hancock/Washington County Maine."

Adam, get out of my head! If they base the record on angle alone, I'd bet Maine has dozens of buildings that beat that one.
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