Here's the reason why you shouldn't order a custom cake from Wal-Mart, from the GinBlog:
Some people that work here had a going away party the other day for a woman that is leaving.
One of the supervisors called a Walmart and ordered the cake. he told them to write: “best wishes Suzanne” and underneath that write “we will miss you”. here’s the cake that was delivered.
Link - via digg and Super Punch
joke-and-obscure-reference: I'm sure Susanne will be fine. After all, she's marrying Bill Stickers, now that his innocence has been proven.
b) this gives me another reason (besides the obious ones.. yunno, slave laborors in china.. their newly established manipulative slogan.. only to name 2 of the too-many..) NOT to shop at wal-mart.
c) re: abestar- although very blatant and insulting, it's probably true.
I'm not ghetto or redneck. I just happen to be a human being who (gasp!) made a mistake.
I wasn't being hard on those types of people. I live around them and recognize that the mistake that was made is a common one in their everyday speech.
I don't know what kinda P.C. wonderland you live in but you need to grow up and get out of the house more.
Excuse me, Abastar, but I try to not make fun of people who might not be as intelligent, educated, or creative as perfect people such as you and I. It's called human decency, manners, or courtesy. It is certainly not PC.
And I wasn't making fun of them. THATS HOW THEY TALK. Your one of those people that doesn't know that your tiptoeing around things actually makes you look like a bigot.
Geez go fight for your over sensitive FCC decency crap somewhere else ya frickin loser.
I'm sorry you guys hate reality so much but its really not my problem.