This is crazy: an eight-year-old boy called 911 on his drunk-driving mom, while in the speeding car with his little sister! Thankfully, no one was hurt and police was able catch her based on the road information the boy gave the dispatcher and call tracking technology.
Here's the recorded 911 call: Link
It's immediate impact on society at large is much worse, in my opinion of course, than all of the illegal drugs.
I'm an ex-drunk with three kids, this story hit me hard on many levels.
Thankfully, I never did that, though.
They were real little back then, so they won't remember my behavior.
This 8 year old kid is going to remember that forever.
And people say Brittany Spears is a bad mom!
Unfortunately, being able to reproduce does not automatically earn your kids' loyalty, or make you a good person. As the child of an alcoholic, I know how messed up it is to be a child like him, yet having to be the responsible one! This child deserves support for his actions! And I hope his mom gets help before the family gets destroyed.
The kid did the right thing.