Archive for October 23rd, 2007

Robot Chicken hilariously mixes 300 and the American Revolution

"British? THIS...IS...AMERICA!" Via Ectomo. Even better than the "Fantastic Forefathers" t-shirt I posted last week....

Moose Lovin.

The supply of female Moose in Big Sky, Montana must really be down this year, or else this is one confused Bull. After checking out his surroundings, he proceeded to assault the Bison statue for eight hours, breakin...

The Superest

The Superest is a fairly new site by illustrators Kevin Cornell and Matthew Sutter, with occasional guests. The site is an ongoing game of My Team, Your Team. The rules: Player 1 draws a character with a...

Southern California Still Burning

California continues to burn: a second death was confirmed in my hometown of Santa Clarita though the most severe of the fire is concentrated in San Diego (where half a million people were evacuated). At last count, more...

Periodic Table Shower Curtain

Soak up some knowledge with a periodic table shower curtain. Linkshower...

Stationery with Bite

Surely, the first time you saw a staple remover, you thought it looked like fangs. This dinosaur staple remover is part of a collection of strange office tools at Dark Roasted Blend. Link...

Heavy Lifting

Fogonazos has a video collection of professionals moving huge houses, including a 900-ton brick building! Link -via Dark Roasted Blend...

Map of California Fires

The San Diego Union Tribune has posted a Google Map that shows in real time where the fires are burning, Estimated Advisory Evacuation Areas, and evacuation destinations. Link -via Metafilter The Los Angeles Times als...

ABC Adventure

Young children will get a kick out of seeing themselves in an ABC Adventure! Upload a photo, enter a name, and watch your video. Link -via the Presurfer...

Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest

Ken and Linda Smith of Sebring won a recent Underwater Pumpkin Carving contest in Key Largo, Florida. That can’t be easy! "The pumpkins want to float so that makes it difficult," said Smith, a retired el...

The Book of SPAM Caption Contest

What did George Burns say to Gracie Allen? Funniest captions will win Free The Book of SPAM, courtesy of Simon & Schuster, reviewed previously on Neatorama. Contest rule is darned simple: place your...

10 Kick Ass Facts About Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon (1973). Image: Lexinatrix [Flickr]1. Bruce Lee's Family Gave Him a Girl's Name: "Little Phoenix"Bruce's family never called him "Bruce." They preferred to call him by his ni...

Super Stars of the Internet

The guys over at Cakke sent us this: a video that pays homage to the super stars of Internet, many of whom have been on this very blog! See if you recognize all of them.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Pound...

Dumbledore Pride T-Shirt

Craig Zucker of Dumbledore Pride wrote to us about their new t-shirts ("Dumbledore's Army: Don't Ask, Do Tell" and "Wizards are Gay") now available for sale: Link - Thanks Craig and way to capture...

Warped Wallpaper

German artist Tom Hanke of surrealien created a wallpaper that is specifically designed for your room: by taking into account the exact placement of the door, light switches and electrical outlets, he can create a "...

World's Wackiest Pizza Topping: Burgers and Nuggets!

Jeff Simmermon of And I Am Not Lying blog sent in this one: a culinary Frankenstein featuring a pizza with burgers and chicken nuggets as toppings!Betcha your local pizza parlor doesn't have this combo option: Link - *em...

Kinetic Artist Theo Jansen's Talk at TED

We've featured Dutch artist Theo Jansen's amazing kinetic sculptures a few times before, but they're so cool that we'd just have to showcase them again. This time, it's a truly fantastic clip of Theo Jansen s...

Singapore Airlines' New Airbus A380

Singapore Airlines, by many counts the best airline in the world, just unveiled its ultra-luxurious Airbus A380 jetliner. Most of the seats on the maiden flight of the double-decker plane were auctioned for charity on eB...

Robot Balances Inverted Pendulum Like a Pro!

Magnus Linderoth and Kristian Soltesz of the Lund Institute of Technology, Scandinavia Sweden, created this robot that is an absolute expert in balancing an inverted pendulum! Maybe the 2.0 version can also spin plates....

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