Marine Species from the Celebes Sea Expedition

We've blogged about the new species of marine life discovered in the deep Celebes Sea, the Philippines, before but the post lacked a gallery. Well, here they are: a few of the strange deep sea creatures (and new species) found.

The photo to the left is a juvenile boxfish, one of the species encountered by scientists in the Celebes Sea.

Gallery at National Geographics - Thanks Fredda!

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It's amazing that, in this day and age, we are still finding new creatures. Why does the gov't spend so much money on NASA, which isn't finding a whole hell of a lot, and not on deep sea exploration? There are critters down there that create energy from sulfur and god knows what, which could be the answer to the looming energy crisis. If I had seen these images (and The Blue Planet) when I was younger, I think I'd have become a deep sea explorer.
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It amazes me what our planet can offer in terms of amazing and diverse creatures. It just makes me think - if we have all that just in one single planet, what is out there in our galaxy, our universe?

Reality truly is stranger than fiction.
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