Close Shaves in History



Think your job is stressful? Just past midnight on September 26, 1983, a Soviet satellite reported five missiles launched from a Montana base towards the U.S.S.R. In a command post near Moscow, a red button labeled "Start" began flashing.

Amazingly, Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov [wiki], a former software engineer, managed to play it cool. Figuring that the United States wasn't crazy enough to start a war with just five missiles fired from a single location, Petrov suspected computer error. And thank goodness he did. Still, Petrov went against his training when he refused to set the retaliatory strike in motion.

After the incident, Soviet investigators determined that the computer system had triggered the warnings simply based on sunlight reflection off of clouds. And while Armageddon was averted, Petrov wasn't exactly hailed as a hero; instead he was reassigned to a less sensitive position and soon retired.

He did get some belated recognition in 2004, though, when he received a World Citizen Award plaque at a ceremony in Moscow. That honor was eclipsed in 2006, however, when he was given a World Citizen Award trophy and, presumably, a T-shirt reading, "I Saved the Earth from World War III and All I Got Was a Lousy Trophy."


When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, two docs hatched a secret plan to save a dozen villages near Rozwadów and Zbydniów. Doctors Eugene Lazowski and Stanislaw Matulewicz decided to create a fake typhus epidemic (a disease that, at the time, had no cure and was often fatal) by using harmless bacterium to trigger false-positives on typhus tests.

Knowing that Jews who tested positive for typhus would be summarily executed, the doctors only injected the non-Jewish population, hoping a widespread outbreak would cause Germans to abandon the area and thus spare local Jews in the process.

The ruse was nearly discovered when a Gestapo doctor arrived to confirm the tests, but clever Poles distracted the doctor with plenty of kielbasa and vodka, then sealed the deal by displaying several sickly townsfolk, claiming they were all consumed by typhus fever.

The "epidemic" was confirmed and grim signs were immediately posted throughout the region reading "Achtung, Fleckfieber!" (Warning, Typhus!), To contain the fake epidemic, the Gestapo quarantined the area throughout the World War II, and countless lives were saved. (Image of Dr. Eugene Lazowski: Holocaust Forgotten)


The jerry-rigged carbon dioxide scrubber unit in Apollo 13's Lunar Module

Arguably NASA's most famous close shave occurred during the Apollo 13 [wiki] mission. After astronauts evacuated their damaged Command Module (CM) and crowded into the Lunar Module (LM), they noticed that carbon dioxide levels were dangerously high due to a failing air filter. Air filtration units in the LM had round openings, but the filter canisters salvaged from the CM were square.

Thankfully, Mission Control radioed a MacGyver solution: By rigging together plastic bags, cardboard, and duct tape, astronauts connected a square canister to the round hole, narrowly avoiding death by asphyxiation.

Duct tape, it seems, has played a pivotal role in several NASA missions. In 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts used it to repair a lunar rover bumper; in 2001 international Space Station astronauts and cosmonauts constructed a kitchen table using leftover aluminum pieces and duct tape; and in 2005, Space Shuttle Discovery astronaut Stephen Robinson crafted a hacksaw for a repair mission using a blade, plastic ties, Velcro, and---yup---the ol' D.T.

The article above appeared in the Scatterbrained section of the March - April 2007 issue of mental_floss magazine. It is reprinted here with permission.

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Love that duct tape! The two most important items in any tool kit -- DT and WD40. If it moves and isn't supposed to, use the DT; if it doesn't move and is supposed to, use the WD40. Too bad DT is no good on ducts.

And a joke I made up as a small child (forgive me, but I still think it's funny): Why do they call it duck tape? Because it quacks when you pull it off the roll!
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> Too bad DT is no good on ducts.


Regular duct tape (grey tape) works just fine on cold air return ducts. However, if it is on a duct that carries warm air, it will dry out over time. Warm air ducts require a different kind of duct tape (silver tape) that is like sticky aluminum foil. They are both duct tapes though.
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Just an aside. Duct Tape? you mean Duck Tape. Yes some people misheard it and called it Duck Tape. Silly because it is meant for Ducts. Or is it? Did Duct Tape start out for use on ducts and then find other uses?

Nope. It was originally used in WW II for sealing ammunition cases and was called DUCK tape. Like water of a duck's back: waterproof.

You can probably find this somewhere on the web.
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It's also great for that last minute impromptu hostage taking or to secure dead bodies so their arms and legs don't fly around while you are dumping them in the river.
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I've heard the "duck tape" origin claim many times but have been very suspicious as no one ever produced sources. The Wikipedia is also suspicious: Beware!
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