Ellen's Doggie Trouble: The Darker Side of Pet Adoption


Meet Iggy - the dog at the center of the Ellen DeGeneres dog adoption brouhaha. For you who don't know anything about it (like me before this morning, since I don't watch much TV), here's the story from LA Times:

Iggy's odyssey began about a month ago, when DeGeneres saw a 2-year-old on petfinder.com offered by Mutts & Moms, according to Kelly Bush, DeGeneres' publicist. The DeGeneres and de Rossi went to Paw Boutique, a Pasadena shop affiliated with Mutts & Moms, to adopt that dog and then spotted Iggy, thought to be a few months old.

They adopted the older dog, who did not get along with their three cats. They returned that dog; later, de Rossi went back and adopted Iggy, signing a contract. But Iggy had no better luck with the cats, despite the efforts of a private trainer, so the couple reluctantly parted with Iggy, giving the dog to Marks, DeGeneres' hairstylist and friend.

But when the rescue organization got word that DeGeneres had, on her own, "re-homed" the dog, the group said she had violated their rules and Iggy was taken from the hairstylist's home as her children cried, Bush said.

Ruby, the 12-year-old girl to whom Ellen gave the dog was (naturally) upset:

"I was extremely upset and my parents were extremely upset," Ruby said on "Good Morning America." "All I want is my dog back."

How crazy is that? Taking a dog from good home? I thought that to give stray pups a good home was the whole idea behind placing dogs for adoption in the first place!

Do you think that Mutts & Moms are wrong? Are they fanatical or just trying to protect the dogs?

Links: LA Times | ABCNews | KNBC has videos of the Mutts & Moms owner

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The 2 year old dog is lucky that someone even want to take him into their home and be apart of their family. Fuck you 'rescue organizations' who have no life other than making life hell for other people who are trying to do good. Just because your own home does not give you any satisfaction doesn't mean you can go about fucking things up for other people trying to do good. There are so many problems in the world and your fucking organization is worried about kids with a dog ? Please get a life and just cause you're not getting the attention and sex in your own home doesn't mean you can go about fucking up little things in other peoples life. Fuck you holier than thou' cunts
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I don't get why people care so much. How is a stray dog more important than one of the rats it eats for food? I can understand if it was an abusive home, but this is insane. (no I'm not defending Ellen, I personally don't like her)

@Jennifer: Yes. That is the way I interpret this. I personally find that disturbing. Caring about pets is one thing, forcing people to jump through legal hoops just to have them is stupid.
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A lawyer representing Mutts and Moms was on The O'Reilly Factor last night and claimed that DeGeneres’ hairstylist was offered the opportunity to submit an application to adopt Iggy but she never bothered to submit one.
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Ellen is just as screwed up as Britney Spears. What's even more scary is that this adoption place is getting threatening emails from a bunch of losers with no life. She signed a contract, she should have read it, and boo friggan hoo if her hairdresser can't get that dog. It's not like the hairdresser was attached to it. Ellen should just give up on life. More important things to worry about.
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This whole thing suggests that at any time, an animal you have adopted could be removed at any time by the organization from which you adopted it from. Does this mean that I don't actually own the pets I have adopted? Or, to phrase it a better way, that they still aren't part of my family - but on loan from the adoption agency for an indeterminate amount of time?
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