Disapproving Rabbits

Cinnamon disapproves of this post. And of Neatorama. And of all of you reading.

I've reviewed a number of books from HarperCollins before on Neatorama - and they've always been a good read, but this one is different: it's funny - very funny.

One day, Sharon Stiteler (who also wrote the Birdchick blog) got a cute Dwarf/Hotot rabbit mix named Latte. Sure, he was cute, but as soon as Sharon and her husband brought him home, he sat across the room all hunched up, looking sorely dissatisfied.

At first, Sharon didn't think too much of it - but the disapproving look continued, and no amount of parsley would ever make him approve of anything.

Turns out, this wasn't just an isolated case with that one rabbit. Later, Sharon got other pet rabbits from the animal shelter. When she first saw Cinnamon (the cute bunny above), Sharon put her face up to the cage and the rabbit hopped over, frowning its immediate disapproval. Sharon knew it was the perfect bunny for her.

Over the years, she tried to talk to the rabbits about birds and other topics, but they always, always disapproved. In a cute way, mind you, but they still disapproved nonetheless. So, the author in Sharon decided to delve further into the impossibility of living up to a bunny's standard.

In her book Disapproving Rabbits (180 pages chockful of fun and cute photos), Sharon tirelessly researched the phenomenon of rabbit disapproval - not just documenting the looks, but also deducing the thought of disapproval that flashed through the critter's tiny little brains. Like, for instance, what these rabbits think about (click for larger pictures) ...

... Brazilian wax
... dressing up

Disapproving Rabbits Caption Contest - Win a Free Book!

And now, something that the bunnies would absolutely disapprove of. Thanks to HarperCollins, we have 20 Disapproving Rabbits book to give away to the winners of this caption contest:

Caption this photo above - the funniest twenty captions will get a Free Disapproving Rabbits Book by Sharon Stiteler. Place your caption in the comment section: one caption per comment, but you can enter as many captions as you can think of (one book per winning submitter). Please, no obscenities - the rabbits (and Neatorama) really disapprove of those.

Lastly, be sure to visit Disapproving Rabbits (you should go there for inspirations!) and HarperCollins' web page for the book.

The review above as well as the giveaway are sponsored by HarperCollins - it is also disapproved by the rabbits.

Update 11/4/07 - Whoa! Awesome response! Thank you for all your captions, guys - I've notified the lucky winners by email.

Little did Bern the Bunny realize that the mug was a frosty... It would be hours before he got his stuck tongue back to his rabbit hole.
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"Sure, this coffee has a certain flavor, and no, I don't want it. Nor is it too great, actually. But if you think I'm going to say the line, if I'm going to be your -- what are you calling it? 'Lolly... bunny?' Or something: you're sorely mistaken. Now if you don't mind, I have other things to lick under here, and I'm behind schedule."
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As usual, the humans have failed me. They think I can't tell the difference between Earl Grey and Lipton. I shall radiate disapproval until they get. it. right.
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"Honestly. The very notion that I would want to socialize with these bunnies of the so-called "dust" variety is enough to make a rabbit of proper breeding retch."
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"Even I can't stand this decaf, and I eat my own droppings, for crying out loud! One more slip-up like this and I shall jettison you out the airlock!"
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@Heather: DANGIT! You stole my a-list material. That's fine, I'll see your bet and raise you the following:

"Coffee? We ain't got time for no stinking coffee! The humans are distracted by those insipid LOLcats so now is our time to pounce. Quick, to the choppers men, it's time to take back what is rightfully ours -- Our cream eggs (and to a lesser extent, our mini eggs)."
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"Ugh, this Flavia coffee really IS terrible. Fine, fine, Maryann can go back to brewing coffee in that old, decrepit chamber pot we call a Mr Coffee....."
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