Archive for October 15th, 2007

Photoshop Your Car For Your Kids.

If you have small children, you've almost certainly seen the Disney-Pixar movie Cars. The Subaru Impreza Owners Club forum has a great Photoshop tutorial on how to make your car look like it belongs in the movie. I...

All we are saying...

Slate has a nice collection of photos from anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in 1969. I think I saw Carruthers in one pic trying to untangle his love beads from his beard. Link....

A papal visit from beyond the grave?

Did a bonfire lit in Poland as part of a celebration honoring the late Pope John Paul's memory set the scene for a magic papal visit from beyond the grave? Some say yes. You be the judge. Link....

Painted Rocks by Julia Likes

French artist Julia Likes turned boring ol' rocks and pebbles into amazing works of art! Take a look at her hand-drawn pieces here: Link - via Craft...

Why Didn't Gandhi Win the Nobel Peace Prize?

In the midst of all this brouhaha over whether Al Gore deserved to win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, consider this: the Norwegian Nobel Committee's answer why Mahatma Gandhi never won the prize.Mohandas Gandhi (1869-19...

Clogged Fertilizer Hose? Let's Clear the Jam ... What's the Worst That Could Happen?

Here's the set up: a fertilizer tank spraying a field got clogged so the farmer got out to see what's going on.... He started to fiddle with the spray hose.... and BAM!You can so tell what's going to happen, but when it...

PC Magazine's 100 Favorite Blogs

Woot! Neatorama made it to the PC Magazine's 100 Favorite Blogs roundup. Quite a few "usual suspects" made the list as well, but I've spotted some soon-to-be new blogs to visit every day! Here's the list (in al...

Enter the Matrix PC Case Mod

Ken Kirby of PC ModHouse created this awesome Matrix-inspired case mod, complete with a Sentinel bursting out of the case! Link - Thanks Pooja!See also: Neatorama's Ultimate Case Mod Page...

Teatime for Tiny Pig

Tetley is just about the size of the teacup he’s drinking from! He’s the smallest of a litter of eight miniature pigs born at Pennywell Farm in Buckfastleigh, England. Link (warning: cute pictures) -via Unique Dail...

Quote: Bertrand Russell on Rationality

"Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in rationality." - Bertrand Russell, intellectual and philosopher (1872-1970)...

Single Bamboo Cane Row Boat

Today's collaboration with Cellar Image of the Day brings us this photo of the strangest row boat ever: a single bamboo cane! Villagers from Chishui, near Zuiyi city, came up with the idea, reports News Express. They...

Detergent Art

Craig Paul Nowak paints on walls with laundry detergent. Under normal light, the wall looks completely empty, but under a blacklight, you can see the artwork! Link -via Dump Trumpet...

Umbrella Squirt Gun

Alex Woolley Design has a combination umbrella and squirt gun. Rainwater is collected in the squirt gun, and the umbrella can protect you from someone else’s gun. The tagline is “Encouraging Adults to Play in the R...

I’ll just stay right here, thank you.

86-year-old Edith Macefield’s 108-year-old house was appraised at $8,000, and the land it sits on at $120,000. She was offered $1 million for the house, but refused to sell. So a five-story business development is goin...

Jonathan McCabe

Jonathan McCabe makes computer video art based on biological pattern formation and evolution. He calls the technique "Origami-Butterfly". has a selection of his work, most of which is alm...

A Vision of Students Today

This video is a collaboration of 200 students at Kansas State University. What do you think? Comments accompanying this videos are divided on whether teaching methods are indeed hopelessly outdated or whether student...

Disapproving Rabbits

Cinnamon disapproves of this post. And of Neatorama. And of all of you reading.I've reviewed a number of books from HarperCollins before on Neatorama - and they've always been a good read, but this one is different: it's...

World's Weirdest Moths

Image: t_buchteleButterflies and moths belong to the order Lepidoptera, which is derived from the Greek words for "scaled wing." There are over 180,000 species in this order, only about 10 percent, however, are...

Trivia: Father of Modern Chemistry Beheaded in French Revolution

Antoine Lavoisier, the Father of Modern Chemistry, was beheaded during the French Revolution.An appeal to spare his life was cut short by the judge, who said: "The Republic has no need of geniuses."...

Jon Reed's Comic Art

Color us impressed - take a look at Jon Reed's amazingly detailed illustrations, drawn in comic book style: - via Super Punch...

Boba Fett Cookie Jar

That's Star Wars' Boba Fett cookie jar - a fantastic sculpture in its own right:This robust sculpture, painted to match Fett's penchant for close scrapes, features a lifting helmet top that opens to reveal...

300, the Cat Version

We've seen a few fun 300 trailers before on Neatorama, like the Latino 300, the Russian Sparta, the 305, and Caketown.Here's another one - a very, very funny version of 300 starring ... cats! Link [embedded CollegeHumor...

When Fatness was Admired: The Story of Daniel Lambert

There was a time that, believe it or not, fatness was an admired trait. Take, for instance, the case of Daniel Lambert, whom Charles Dickens himself wrote about in his novel.Here's an excerpt from The Human Marvels:A...

The Ouija Board Guitar

Spotted over at Miniature Brainwave: the Ouija board guitar made by Michael Vrtis: Link...

Monocle Art by Jaime Pitarch

That's the "Cyclops" (2002) monocle, made by artist Jaime Pitarch for a short-sitedsighted, one-eyed being.See his other whimsical artwork here: Link - via Super Punch...

Halloween Costumes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Over at Miss Cellania's blog, check out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Halloween costumes.Link | Miss C's Halloween Costumes post from last year.(awright, here it is: the worst Halloween costumes ever. Sick, man, sick...

Lettuce Transport Canine Unit!

How did lettuce get from the farm to your local supermarket? Well, in Fuzhou, China, lettuce is carried by dogs:Here we get a glimpse into the secretive world of lettuce-transportation, as the lettuce-dogs of Fuzhou,...

The Owl Song

A lot of people hate owls. "O RLY? Not me", thought musician DifferentKid - he loves them so much that he wrote this: The Owl Song.Link [embedded YouTube]...

Quote: Asimov on Scientific Discoveries

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'" - Isaac Asimov, sci-fi author (1920-1992)...

Darth Vader's hidden talent!

This is the best Darth Vader hack/mash-up since "Darth Vader being a smartass." YouTube....

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