Archive for September 2007

The Secret To Happiness Is Working At Starbucks (?)

Michael Gill lost his six-figure job, had an affair, got divorced, was diagnosed with a brain tumor . . . and landed a barista job at Starbucks, and found inner peace? I'm a bit skeptical, but Tom Hanks bought the m...

Free Interactive Lego Screensaver

You can position the blocks Tetris-style as they fall. Download it here. Via AdGoodness....

The End

A Flick set showing screencaps of famous film endings. Link [Flickr] - via swissmiss...

Caption Monkey 9: Giant Pickle

Photo: ranjit [Flickr], titled Alexandra and the Pickle at the 6th annual NYC International Pickle Day - via Information JunkYay! It's time for this week's Caption Monkey game at Neatorama! Caption this .. um, picklelici...

Archaeologists Dug Up 1,300 Year Old Korean Buddha Statue

Archaeologists in Korea had unearthed a 1,300-year-old giant stone statue of Buddha:The 5.6-metre (18-feet) tall sculpture was discovered, face down and buried in the ground. Archaeologists worried that the face had been...

Tae Hun Kang's High Heel Shoes

Can you tap dance with this high heel? Check out more artistic creations by Tae Hun Kang here: - via why not?...

Corner Lamp

Got a small room? Here's a lamp that doesn't waste any space: the Corner Lamp from Design House.Not cheap though, $225 plus shipping.Link - via Funfurde...

Missing Tree Vase

You're looking at a cool new design by Jean Marie Massaud of Serralunga, called the Missed Tree vase.See more fun and artsy vase collections here: Link (don't miss the Screw vase)- via TrendsNow...

Lucha Libre Star Fights Eco-Enemies

After vanquishing his enemies on the ring, Mexican lucha libre wrestling star El Hijo del Santo has picked a new fight against eco-enemies:El Hijo del Santo — the son of legendary Mexican wrestler El Santo, or...

An ode to Alex the Parrot

By now I'm sure you've heard the news about Alex the Parrot heading out into the great beyond, and if you're like me, you shed a tiny tear or two. Leave it to Jackie and Dunlap of Red State Update to send the avian...

Middle East Skyscrapers.

The "skyscrapers" in Shibam, Yemen were first constructed about 500 years ago using mud bricks, then repaired over and over again through the years. While the five to nine story buildings in this "Manhattan of the D...

Mermaid Prosthetic

In the comments for the item about “basketball girl” Qian Hongyan, who is training to be a competitive swimmer, some people speculated about the possibility of swimming prosthetics, so this item really caught...

The Littlest Angel

Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley was born on Feb.13, 2003 and weighed just 2 lbs, 8 ounces. Young Kenadie was not expected to survive long but years later she is still with us. At the age of 8 months, Kenadie was diagnosed...

Knife-Throwing Mother

Things were a bit different in the 1950s. Today, this story might include the words “bail bond” and “removed from custody”. Push play or go to Live Leak. -via Arbroath...

The Strange Story of Napoleon's Wallpaper.

When Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1821, an autopsy led doctors to believe he died of cancer stemming from a perforated stomach ulcer. 20th century tests on souvenir locks of Napoleon’s hair led researchers to thi...

What Has Been Seen

The earlier item on internet warning symbols reminded me of this “motivational poster.” -found at Bits and Pieces...

The most endangered animals of 2007.

The World Conservation Union (IUCN)'s 2007 Red List of Threatened Species includes the Chinese river dolphin, which was classified as "critically endangered (possibly extinct)". National Geographic has a gallery of an...

Got Mine. Got Yours?

The London Fire Brigade has a rap video to publicize their free smoke alarm giveaway. Artist Stephen-remell Coleman is a firefighter on Wimbledon Fire Station’s Red Watch, but in his free time performs as a rapp...

The Coolest Superhero Costumes

retroCRUSH asked its readers to vote on the coolest male super hero costume and compiled a handy top 20 list. I'm sad that Darkwing Duck didn't make the cut :(

$20 for 22 art prints by James Jean!

Amazon says: Process Recess 2: Portfolio showcases the illustrative work of Eisner and Harvey award winner James Jean. Each image will be printed in a grand 15" x 11" format that is suitable for framing. The book...

Virtual Fire Extinguisher Douses Digital Fire

I didn't think that using a fire extinguisher is that difficult (aim at base of fire, pull trigger), but apparently there is a need for training. Enter BullsEye, a digital fire extinguisher training simulator, which allo...

Lifeguard's Bathroom Break

What happens when a lifeguard on duty guarding a really crowded pool has to go on a bathroom break? Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Say No to Crack...

I, For One, Welcome Our New Coconut Crab Overlord ...

That's the coconut crab, which according to Wikipedia is the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world - found at One Large Prawn...

A Cruel, Unusual, and ... Musical Punishment?

A judge has sentenced violators of the noise ordinance of the city of Fort Lupton, Colorado, to a musical punishment: Violaters of the city of Fort Lupton's noise ordinance were in for a big surprise this past Friday...

Anti-Sugar Daddy Campaign in Uganda

Top stop unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS, not to mention cross-generational sex, Uganda has launched an Anti-Sugar Daddy campaign!As the demand for luxury items increases, girls as young as 9 are finding sugar-dadd...

If Stop Sign Were Designed by Internet Users

Yes, it's a photoshop job, but if you can read the sign above, then you spend waaay too much time on the Interweb - found at Miss Cellania....

Space Invaders Doormat

How awesome is this? A Space Invaders doormat, complete with glowing animated aliens! Link - via Random Good Stuff...

Red Shirt: a Badge of Star Trek Courage

Flickr user artvixn took this photo of a humorous masquerade entry at the LA WorldCon 2006 about being a red shirt in Star Fleet.Link [Flickr] | Artvixn's LA Worldcon 2006 photoset - see also Analysis of the Red-Shirt Ph...


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