Archive for September 29th, 2007

Japanese Jumping Frog Robot

Robotics engineers at the University of Tokyo have designed a robot that jumps like a frog. And looks like one! The robot, named Mowgli, can also kick a soccer ball. The point is a study of musculature and kinetics, but...

Trivia: Monkey and Baldness

Monkeys also suffer from male pattern baldness like humans do. Scientists noticed that stumped tailed macaque suffer from male pattern baldness. In fact, minoxidil (Rogaine) was successfully used to reverse hair loss in...

9 Battlefield Geniuses and What They Can Teach You About Warfare

Sun Tzu (544 BCE-496 BCE)The Experience: A Chinese general who probably lived in the 4th century BCE, very little is known about Sun Tzu&'s wartime exploits - but he wrote The Art of Wa...

VideoSift: Cute Kids and Animals

Whoa! It's the weekend and I'm late for our weekly collab with VideoSift (sorry, Sifters!), but let me make it up to you, with an offering of cute kids and animals! Now, how can you resist that?...


Billboard in Yass, Australia. These people have no excuse - they speak English. Via Parakaashtha...

Natural Field Turf Soda

Jones Soda is at it again. The new NFL-themed flavors are Dirt, Sports Cream, Perspiration, Natural Field Turf, and Sweet Victory. Natural Field Turf Soda is described as "like playing tackle football, and you get...

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