Snarkerati blog has a fantastic new article: the Top 50 Dystopian Movies of All Time, ranked by Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB ratings.
A dystopia is a fictional society that is the antithesis or complete opposite of a utopia, an ideal world with a perfect social, political and technological infrastructure. A world without chaos, strife or hunger. A world where the individual potential and freedom is celebrated and brought to the forefront.
In contrast, the dystopian world is undesirable with poverty and unequal domination by specific individuals over others. Dystopian films often construct a fictional universe and set it in a background which features scenarios such as dehumanizing technological advancements, man-made disasters or class-based revolutions.
The image above is from Brazil (1985), an excellent example of the genre. (Everytime I see a reference to this movie, I can't stop humming the theme music. Braziiiil ... where hearts were entertaining June / We stood beneath an amber moon / ...) - Thanks Slater!
I absolutely love Brazil.
Who knew a movie so odd [very Terry Gilliam-esque, of course!] could have a song so catchy?
Now I've got it stuck in my head! Thanks a ton! ;)
and here it is
Side note: The most "out there" cover of "Brazil" ever has to be Sugar Plant's grungy noise-pop version with broken English singing female vocals run through a mellotron. Trippy and super cool.
And I question certain films as even having enough of a dystopian theme to qualify, like Serenity, Pleasantville, or War of the Worlds.
Anyway - what an interesting list, thanks for posting it! I look forward to checking out some of the other movies on it ...
Live recording: (track 09)
other live recordings: (man, i love the internet archive site!)