New Cuyama
This is real sign for a real town in California. A town with a sense of humor! Link -via J-Walk Blog... is real sign for a real town in California. A town with a sense of humor! Link -via J-Walk Blog... baby boy walrus was born at the New York Aquarium in June and was first shown to the public just yesterday. He weighed 115 pounds at birth, and is expected to weigh a ton when full grown. Link -via Fark... size at the top left on this (no longer linkjacked) page. (Hmm, what percentage of top Reddit posts are not linkjacked?) And here's a previous related Neatorama post. Finally, here's one awesome, albeit exp... is a strange one. It's no secret that the US military is having more trouble than ever finding new recruits. You might think that recruiting from the MySpace generation would make perfect sense - a pool of mil... Amador makes large, crop circle-like "paintings" in the sand on the beach at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, and at Burning Man. Here is a gallery which plays a slide show th...! No, I'm not cursing out loud rather I am showing my gratitude to these (now) noble creatures. Well, not all rats...just a certain type of rat! The Gambian Pouch Rat has proven itself to be quite a useful min... Ghost Finders Camera is a disposable camera that adds eerie images of ghosts to your photos when they are developed. 35mm, 27 exposures and less than ten bucks, this will add afterlife to any party... blog has a fantastic new article: the Top 50 Dystopian Movies of All Time, ranked by Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB ratings.A dystopia is a fictional society that is the antithesis or complete opposite of a utop... Russian guy must really, really like whisky! The anonymous bidder paid £29,400 (about $60,000) for a bottle of a Bowmore single malt whisky, bottled in 1850:The Bowmore single malt whisky is the o... we're on the subject of drinks, here's something cheaper yet perhaps more intriguing: a new drink by Fanta, with Mystery Flavor!I was delighted to find a bottle at the convenience store a few nights ago. I coul... the MicroDrone, a toy-sized spy helicopter that has been used by the police in Britain to film and photograph the street below. A Times Online article stated:And now there’s a new spy in the sky. It’... cars do an intricate group dance is nice, but it’s even better when something goes wrong! Push play or go to YouTube. -via the Presurfer... modern age has seen several designs for propeller-driven trains. And cars. And a bicycle. And even a sled! See them all at deputy dog. water freezes faster than cold water. It was (re)discovered by a Tanzanian high school student named Erasto Mpemba, so the phenomenon is called the Mpemba effect.Counter-intuitive, isn't it? Read more about why*/... my previous post on matatus, the private buses of Nairobi, Kenya, a couple of commenters said that these vehicles don't compare to the ones in the Philippines - and boy, they were right!Here's the symbol of Filipino c...'s a lot of neat examples of laptop engraving out there on the Web, but Glenwood of Oslo Press decided to do one better: he added good old fashioned wood inlay to the engraved parts! -... Google God? The people at the Church of Google (and practitioner of "Googlism") think so, and they've even got 9 proofs of why Google is God. For example:Google remembers all. Google caches WebP..."I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart." - ee cummings, poet (1894-1962)... previous post on Swastika is all about how the symbol meant other things before it was co-opted by the Nazis.Neatorama reader Gitai found something else: a town In Ontario, Canada, named Swastika that refused to chan... since Yayo posted the uber-guide on How to be a Scottish Fold cat, I've been trying my darnest to resist posting this YouTube clip. But I have succumbed to temptation, so here's a clip of cats taking naps inside of... you've been living under a rock, you'd know by now that Myanmar (or Burma) is in the midst of a violent crackdown against peaceful demonstrations by monks and other citizens.Because of tight control of information...'s an ad for insurance in Thailand, but that's not important. This made me cry. Push play or go to YouTube. -via BrandweekNRX... 2007 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge awards are given by the National Science Foundation and the journal Science. This image is a CT scan of the structure inside the human no... you ever had the urge to play chess in the dark? Now you can! This chess set is illuminated with LEDs in the chessboard. Designed by Daan Van Tulder. -via Gee... Budich has an extensive collection of Star Wars action figures. He made tiny pictures of each one, with a linked description, and posted it on his website. -via Metafilt... user manmadepants uploaded this photo with the story that explains it. I swear on my life this is 100% real. I was walking down the street looking for stuff to photogr... don't know what was more amazing--the fact that this guy kicked butt on piano, or the fact that (lo these MANY years after playing it,) I still remember exactly which levels these pieces were from... Push Play o...