The Tattooed Doctor

JTPednaud's recent post on Neatorama about "Zombie," a young Montreal gentleman with radical full-face skull tattoo, and the comments in that post reminds me of INKED Inc., a project by (tattooed) photographer and corporate lawyer Dave Kimelberg.

Dave wanted to show how "the once-derided tattoo is quickly gaining popularity within corporate and professional America, a stronghold of conventionality."

The photo above is of Dr. Dave, a medical doctor with private general medicine practice in New York City:

Many of Dr. Dave's tattoos have a medical theme. A caduceus, the symbol of medicine, sits on his right arm - although a woman replaces the traditional staff. The letters "MD" are tattoed on his back, while a skull with a red medical cross (the symbol of Dr. Dave's motorcycle club of health professionals) decorates his left shoulder.

This doctor does have full sleeves.

Porfolio [Flash] | Link to INKED Inc.'s website

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im a pre-med student at the university of miami and got my first tattoo in december 08, and plan to get several more. my parents were so dissapointed saying that how can i be a doctor now. tattoos are associated with negative perceptions in society but i think if you can hide them under your sleeves and pants hey who cares, and i really admire those who get good looking tattoos because it expresses who you are. I dont think i will get that many but at least on my upper half of my arms. So hey i guess i wont be discriminated for being a doc with tats. my philosphy is you live only once so enjoy and do whatever the hell you want to do
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and my mom always tell's me that ill never be able to be anything important because of all my tattoo's.... i got to show her this thow..... tahts whats up...bro...
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Simon, Ben is referring to the fact that the cadaceus is the symbol of the greek god Hermes ( The rod of Asclepius is "the original medical symbol" (

See for details.

In summary, both are symbols of medicine today. But, the cadaceus is only a symbol of medicine due to someone in the US Army medical department messing up back in 1902.
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i would actually be cool with an inked doctor ~ i think that it shows signs of intelligence for him. . . creative, individual, artisitic, free thinking. i would love a doctor that thinks outside of the box.
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