Archive for September 21st, 2007

VideoSift: Sci-Fi Fandom Channel

For our weekly collab with VideoSift, let's take a look at the Sci-Fi Fandom Channel, a repository of cool documentaries, trailers, and scenes from famous (and not so famous) sci-fi movies:...

The A-Team Van

It’s a GMC van meticulously converted to resemble the vehicle from the TV show The A-Team, available for hire in the UK. Equipped with two TVs, and stocked with every episode of The A-Team on D...

Witch Kitchen Jars

It's never too early to prepare for Halloween! Aranamuerta has a tutorial on how to create "witch kitchen jars," filled with such goodies as Snake Oil, Hob Goblin Brains, and Dragon Embryos. Linkjars, witch, Hallowee...

Band of Brothers

Normally I try to avoid political content in my Neatorama posts. This one, by Slate, for the Romney campaign was too good to pass up, however. You'll remember that a few months back Mitt Romney was asked why given hi...

Faces in Places

Faces in Places is a photoblog of inanimate objects that look like faces. Since the human brain is wired to recognize faces, these are seen all over. Link -via b3ta(Image credit: Flickr user lucianf)faces in places, face...

Japanese Atlantis?

An underwater formation off the coast of Yonaguni Jima, Japan was discovered in 1986. Scientists are divided, with some believing the “pyramid” to be part of a 5,000 year old civilization, and some believin...

NYC Subway Map Hoodie

This hoodie has a New York City subway map imprinted on it... if you get lost, just follow your arm, or neck, or something. -via Dump Trumpet...

When Cats Attack

Let's take a little break from LOLcats and take a look at what I think is one of the strangest scenes in exploitation film history: When Cats Attack in Sweet Sugar (1973) with Phyllis Davis.Hit play or go to Link [YouTub...

Bertie the Pipebot

That's Bertie the Pipebot, a character drawn by Australian painter and comic book artist Ashley Wood. Ashley is producing a 14-inch tall version of his trademark robot, made by Bigshot Toyworks, an independent toy design...

Hell Cheese

Hell hath no cheese like tomato and chili cheese spread from Finland. Found at Barefoot Travel Blog - Thanks Stane!...

Mr. Potato Head Mash Up

Ash of Mr. PotatoMash uses modelling clay to "mash up" Mr. PotatoHead into various fantastic-looking pop culture, movie, and cartoon characters: | Flickr Set - Thanks Rich B.!*/...

Blu's Animated Wall Artwork

This one is quite cool: Artist Blu made an animated movie right out of paintings done on a wall inside a room, blotting out the previous frames as the movie goes along.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Blu's website | B...

Burglar Fell Asleep Under Victim's Bed

Bad Idea: Burglarizing a house.Really Bad Idea: Burglarizing a house while the owner is still in it.Neatorama-worthy: Burglarizing a house while the owner is still in it...

Legislator Sued God... and Got a Response!

After Nebraskan legislator and self-proclaimed agnostic Ernie Chambers [wiki] sued God for wreaking havoc on Earth, little did he expect that he would get a response: A legislator who filed a lawsuit against God has...

Subversive Taco Bell Art

Look closely: that's not a sign advertising the newest addition to Taco Bell's menu - that's a subversive art done by guerilla artist Vinchen. Link - via Wooster Collective...

The Human Flipbook

Human Flipbook is a fascinating YouTube clip, sponsored by Erbert & Gerbert Subs & Clubs, in which a "human flipbook," basically a guy wearing 150 T-shirts, tells the story of a hungry boy trying to fin...

Skull Illusion Scarf

My mother has been asking me what kind of scarf she could knit for me for years, but I'm just not a scarf person... well I wasn't. From most angles this appears to be your average striped scarf, but when you look at i...

Animated History of the NYC Subway

An animated GIF that starts with a blank subway map and then draws each line in the sequence in which it was built. Link - via

Neatorama: 10,000 Posts and 40,000 Comments

Wow! I just saw our post statistics: we've blown past our 10,000th post and 40,000th comment this week. It's been a great two years going and it seems just like yesterday when I wrote Neatorama's very first post.I'd like...

Bizarro: Animal Experimentation Backfires!

Here's our weekly Bizarro feature on Neatorama - for more, check out Dan Piraro's website: Bizarro.comBy the way, Dan will be in the San Francisco Bay Area next week. If you're around, definitely stop by and say hello:*s...

Family Ditched Car Completely for a Better Life

Jessica Cave leads the way while Erick and their daughter Rachel follow as the family heads down Bristol St. on a recent shopping trip.Photo: Michael Goulding / The OC RegisterTired of dumping money into car rep...

ComplimentBot 4000

In the vitriolic cesspool that is the Internet, the ComplimentBot 4000, which spews up random compliments and kind words is refreshing (incidentally, you can refresh your browser to see a new compliment): Link - Than...

Patterns in Radiation Oncology: an Artwork by Ray Kampf

Ray Kampf turned images during his his partner's radiation therapy for colon cancer into artwork in a series called "Patterns in Radiation Oncology": [Flash] - Thanks Ray!*/e...

If Santa Claus Can Do It, So Can I!

Santa Claus he ain't: when his girlfriend locked him out of his house, a drunken Evansville, Indiana man tried to get into a house through its chimney, and (predictably) got stuck!Here's one for the Darwin Awards: Hit pl...

Building Looks Like Giant Piano and Violin

This building in Huinan city, Anhui Province, China, is shaped like a giant grand piano! The entrance and stairs are shaped like a giant violin. Found at Sina - Thanks Dave Roy!...

Monkey Washing A Cat

If you think that this is not neat at all, then you can kill me! I've been laughing for the last half hour. Hit Play or go to the YouTube video to watch a monkey giving a cat a bath. via Cute Overload...

Making Your Own Model Airplane Completely from Scratch

In his spare time, Phillip Isohe, a metal fabricator in Kenya, builds models of airplanes and buses from scratch:This seems to be an extension of what many of us did while growing up in Africa - building wire, or tin...

Okinawan Sanshin Musical Instrument Made with Tin Cookie Can

The Okinawan musical instrument of Sanshin is usually made from snakeskin-covered body, but during World War II when people had little money, they made one from tin cans! (with video)...

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