Archive for September 20th, 2007

The Forgotten Fire

The deadliest fire in the history of the United States occurred in a town you probably never heard of. On October 8th, 1871, Peshtigo, Wisconsin was totally consumed by fire, and over 1,200 people died. The fire was no...

Darth Vader Blues

OK, admit it. You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you? Click on image or go to College Humor. -via Gorilla Mask...

Stephen Hawking Loves "The Simpsons"

We all love and know Stephen Hawking for his quirky humor and his even quirkier Astrophysics papers about Black Holes and our Universe. But, did you know that he has a special liking for "The Simpsons"? Not only does...

Ghostbuster's Vigo the Carpathian Painting on Sale

Neatorama reader Greg Johnson is auctioning off a Vigo the Carpathian oil painting that he had commissioned a while back.Vigo the Carpathian, you may vaguely remember, is the big enemy in Ghostbusters II. Link [ebay] - *...

Karen Carpenter, the Drummer

I suspect that a lot of you know already that Karen Carpenter of the duo The Carpenters was an amazing drummer who could sing and play the drums at the same time, but it's neat the clips again: Hit play or go to...

The Iron Fan and Other Strange Asian Martial Arts Weapons

A mere fan you say? No, that's a tessen or an iron fan, one of the top 8 Weird Asian Martial Arts Weapon at Weird Asia News:Folding fans with outer spokes made of iron which were designed to look like regular, harmle...

Corn Maze of President Gerald Ford

A likeness of President Gerald Ford is this year's corn maze at the Gull Meadow Farms, Michigan, which is not far from where Ford grew up. At the bottom of the maze, there is a giant "THANKS!"http://www.gullmea...

Wagah Crossing Border Ritual

For the past 60 years, a strange yet fascinating nightly border-closing ritual takes place in one of the world's hottest borders, the Indo-Pakistani border, at Wagah Crossing (the only road border between the two countri...

Global Incident Map: Where Are The Terrorists?

If watching your nightly news doesn't scare you enough, here's a website that warns you of terrorism events and other suspicious activities around the world (the page automatically refreshes the list every 7 minutes or s...

The Last Lecture

46-year-old Carnegie-Mellon professor Randy Pausch delivered his final lecture, entitled “How to Live Your Dreams” on Tuesday. Paush has terminal pancreatic cancer. The lecture is powerful and uplifting. *e...

That’s how marketing works!

This is so true, whatever medium you’re working in. Everyone’s got to put their two cents in. Flags of the world, with comments from the client. Link -via the Presurfer...

Ad Icons of the Past

Jason at mental_floss ran down where the advertising icons of yesteryear are now. What does the Gerber Baby look like now? Who inspired the Dutch Boy and the Coppertone Girl? And where did Mikey end up? Find out about te...

Playtime for Baby Bears

Three baby bears made themselves at home in a New Jersey backyard! Push play or go to Live Leak.,0,1506945.story?coll=ktla-news-2 to story. -via Arbroath...

Reading the Dead Sea Scrolls

New x-ray techniques will be used on some of the Dead Sea Scrolls that are too fragile to unravel. They will look at the texts using x-rays produced at the £360m Diamond Light Source in Didcot, Oxfordshire. Th...

Watch YouTube in Class For CourseCredit!

Pitzer College has just came up with the first academic course about watching YouTube:About 35 Pitzer College students meet in a classroom, but work mostly online, where they view YouTube content and post their comme...

Stupid Criminal Commits Bank Robbery in Front of Uniformed Cop!

Bad Idea: robbing a bankReally Bad Idea: robbing a bank without a weaponPriceless: robbing a bank without a weapon, right in front of a uniformed officer!Add this to our...

Town Gets Rid of Traffic Lights and Signs to Improve Road Safety

The town of Bohmte, Germany, has decided that the best way to improve road safety is ... to remove all traffic lights and stop signs downtown!From September 12, all traffic controls will disappear from the center of...

Man with Squeaky Voice Thought to be a Woman, Got Really Angry.

Graham O'Brien thought he was just unlucky when he couldn't access his bank account by phone. But it turned out that the call center staff thought he was a woman trying to defraud the bank because of his squeaky voice:*e...

Will Pearson's Panorama Photography

Hyde Park, photo by Will PearsonLondon Skyline, photo by Will PearsonWill Pearson, a London-based photographer has an excellent gallery of panoramas: Link...

Turning Children's Artwork into Jewelry

Lee Skalkos, a self-taught silvesmith, specializes in turning children's artwork into jewelry! After making jewelry full time for a number of years, Lee took a break from silver to have her two children. When Lee's h...

What is it? Game 38

Yay! Here is this week's collaboration with What is it? blog: can you guess what this strange thing is?No one guessed correctly in last week's game, so the prize (a Free Live! Pro Webcam by Creat...

Mortein: Last Supper

This Mortein ad was created by Euro RSCG in Santiago, Chile and has gotten a slew of comments over at Ads of the World. What do you think about it - love it, hate it, indifferent? Link...

S.L.U.T. (South Lake Union Trolley)

Officially, it's now the South Lake Union Streetcar. But the trolley name already has caught on, and in the old Cascade neighborhood in South Lake Union, they're waiting for the SLUT. The whole story is found at t...

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