The following is an article from Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader There's nothing funny about Hitler, but he is endlessly fascinating. Since Congress passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act in 1998, almost 3 million classified files have been opened to the public - including a 1942 secret profile of Adolf Hitler compiled by the OSS. Here are some excerpts. PERSONAL APPEARANCE • Hitler never allows anyone to see him while he is naked or bathing. He refuses to use cologne or scents of any sort on his body • No matter how warm he feels, Hitler will never take off his coat in public • In 1923, Nazi press secretary Dr. Sedgwick tried to convince Hitler to get rid of his trademark mustache or grow it normally. Hitler answered: "Do not worry about my mustache. If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it!" SOCIAL BEHAVIOR • While dining with the others, Hitler will allow the conversation to linger on general topics, but after a couple of hours he will inevitably begin one of his many monologues. These speeches are flawless from start to finish because he rehearses them any time he gets a moment. • His favorite topics include: "When I was a soldier," "When I was in Vienna," "When I was in prison," and "When I was the leader in the early days of the party." • If Hitler begins speaking about Wagner and the opera, no one dares interrupt him. He will often sermonize on this topic until his audience falls asleep. PERSONAL HABITS • Hitler has no interest in sports or games of any kind and never exercised, except for an occasional walk. • He paces frequently inside rooms, always to the same tune that he whistles to himself and always diagonally across the room, from corner to corner • Hitler's handwriting is impeccable. When famous psychologist Carl Jung saw Hitler's handwriting in 1937, he remarked: "Behind this handwriting I recognize the typical characteristics of a man with essentially feminine instinct." ENTERTAINMENT • Hitler loves the circus. He takes real pleasure in the idea that underpaid performers are risking their lives to please him. • He went to the circus on several occasions in 1933 and sent extremely expensive chocolates and flowers to the female performers. Hitler even remembered their names and would worry about them and their families in the event of an accident. • He isn't interested in wild animal acts, unless there is a woman in danger • Nearly every night Hitler will see a movie in his private theatre, mainly foreign films that are banned to the German public. He loves comedies and will often laugh merrily at Jewish comedians. Hitler even liked a few Jewish singers, but after hearing them he would remark that it was too bad he or she wasn't Aryan. • Hitler staff secretly made films for him of torture and execution of political prisoners, which he very much enjoyed viewing. His executive assistants also secured pornographic pictures and movies for him. • He loves newsreels - especially when he is in them. • He adores gypsy music, Wagner's operas, and especially American college football marches and alma maters. • To excite the masses, he also uses American College football-style music during his speeches. His rallying cry - "Sieg Heil!" - was even modeled after the cheering techniques used by American football cheerleaders. |
The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader. Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out! |
A dangerous combination.
hitler was a vegetarian, which he felt helped his digestion (he suffered from digestion problems up until he adopted vegetarianism).
the nazis did invent methamphetamines -- they were designed as a "pep pill" for troops. hitler's doctor administered daily shots of speed towards the end of the war.
He went for a walk for about an hour every afternoon, (as his bodyguard tells it) so your fact is false. He also won a medal in the First World War, that probably also required some sort of exercise.
He never got up before midday is a true fact, and stayed up incredibly late instead.
He later went on to offer his body for food. He was between 10 and 15 years. His hatred for jews began there.
Austria, Germany and Italy had the highest male prostitution at the time.
Hitler = <3
While the baby was roasting, and inbetween listening with joy to the sound of it's cries, Hitler would arrange the culterly and condiments on the table into armies - and then reenact a famous battle like Sevastapol, with a fruit bowl serving as the doomed city.
After he had dined on the best cuts from the baby, he would toss the remains of the carcass to his pet Alsatian dog, Blondi, and fall asleep in his throne, muttering in fits and starts under his breath about wonder weapons, and the invincibility of Tiger tanks.
Germany FTW!!!!
G G NOoOOOoOB!!!!!!on111oone111!!!!11111!!
Oh yeah and, his middle name was Elizabeth.
A bit weird, but oh well.
butim a girl and dnt hav 1 lol
His middle name was not Elizabeth, a rumor that derived from his mother mentioning to a friend that if he turned out a girl, that's what his name would be.
He never indulged on babies, he was in fact a vegetarian.
If you want a really interesting fact, try this.
Think about all of the people that were murdered under his regime, now picture him dining at a restraunt.
He hears the lobster scream, as it hits the boiling point. You see, they are slowly boiled until death, so he felt pty for them right?
Crazy I know, but he passed the Crustean Laws, which stated you had to put them in boiling water at the start, and only one at a time if possible.
I know it sounds crazy, but my history teacher gave me a book to read about him, Adolf Hitler, The Psychopathic God, or something to that effect, and there is a section about that.
Not a rumor, not some bullshit story made to make him look worse, the truth.
And an odd fact =]
Later kids
p.s. to "MuthaFahkaImILL": it should be "Neither" was Hitler because of the negation. W/e though. It just makes you sound like an idiot. I'm sure you're not, though.
no you wouldnt so why did the german people do it? becos they totaly agreed with him,hitler had alot of power becos he spoke what had being on there minds for a long time and it clicked,it would happen again today if people where given the chance,people would march on the goverment and remove him and why didnt they in germany?il tell you why the people knew well what was going on and enjoyed it,and when the war is over we will just blame it all on hitler even though we seen jews beating on our streets and taking from there homes and never seen again and yet we didnt know when we screamed at hitlers rallys in aid of gething rid of the jews,this is fact and people talk about hitler today mainly cos he had a gift which has not being seen since,not a good gift but still a gift,theres alot of lies on this site and fools taking it all in,this is fact and if the day comes that you have no food in your mouth and your kids mouths and some guy comes along to change this,this will be your hitler and your anger to whoever left you hungry and jobless will rise and payback comes racing up,so it wasnt just hitler it was hitler and the germans and the jews who are to blame,
freaking dictator that does not even have the right to be posted comments about even if he had Power back then
and....he used to sing a certain same song everytime he went for a poo ^-^
i wish it wuz mii whho kil33d u u in da war
u had 2 comiit suicid33 becuz u knew ur gayself wuz gonna diiii3333
how u enjoyiiin helll thes33 daiizz????
Did you know hitler only had one testicle
Did you know that he killed: jews, gypsies, handicaped, black people, old people and other religion. and did you know he was a christian.
serious guys, hitler did not suck, he waas a very smart man.
Adolf elizibeth hitler <--- cool name i want it!
:p sorry, but almost everyother comment i read...said something about his sack.
I'm a vegan, but if someone offered me some human meat I wouldn't turn it down.
Hot damn, that man is hot. I wish he was still alive today :(
Don't think he hated Jews either - it was just an easy way to get power. Like I'm not fond of Muslims or whatever, but I'd rather watch people I found appealing get killed because that's hot.