From an AP review:
"Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind", by Margalit Fox: It sounds like a curious fairy-tale — a signed language created out of thin air, spoken in a remote desert village by hearing and deaf alike and witnessed by few outsiders.
Yet Al-Sayyid is no mirage but rather an astonishing true story engrossingly told by Margalit Fox of her journey to this remarkable signing Brigadoon.
Here's the Amazon link:
Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind
And here's Wikipedia.
I’d like to get it in sign language
Are you thinking about?
Thanks for all
*ahem* sorry ;)
On a more serious note, I communicated with my kids with a dozen signs or so from the American sign langage (drink, milk, bread, pain, sleep, etc.) before they were able to speak. We had some good exchanges that I think would have been impossible without it. Neat.
What's amazing is that other Deaf understand his reasoning for his home signs; they accept and then use them as well.
He also says that he has two families: his hearing (home) family and his Deaf family. This is his way of demonstrating how important other Deaf and Deaf culture are to him.
I'd like to get it in spanish
Are you thinking about?
Thanks for all