Candy Urban Legends

Here's a neat article at Candy Addict about the top 10 urban legends about candies. For example:

The Gruesome Origins of LifeSaver's Name
Has anyone ever tried to freak you out with this little bedtime story: The inventor of LifeSavers originally designed the candies to be disks without holes, but when his poor little daughter tragically choked on one and died, he vowed to end the senseless killings, so he put holes in the middle and re-dubbed them LifeSavers? I’ve heard this one from quite a few sources, and, well, let’s think about this, people. Would that little hole prevent a kid from choking? It’d have to be lodged just right.

Naw, the real story is a lot less dramatic. In 1912, Clarence Crane began production of a peppermint candy. The machine worked best if the candies had holes in them, and he couldn’t help but compare these these donut-shaped mints with the newfangled life preservers that were becoming fashionable after the recent Titanic disaster.

Link - Thanks Candy Addict!

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Awh no free tootsie pop by finding the chief shooting the star? Damn those neighborhood kids, I believed them. >:(

Dum-dum suckers were my fav though growing up. Better flavors, and cool stuff (pointless junk) for collecting wrappers.
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mikey likes it. forever and ever and ever.

to Nicholas Anderson: I am sincere in saying that choking hazards are for real and I fear them... yes yes and woe to those afflicted by esophagus disruptions , but damn! thats one funny lifesaver story.. still none the less(I wonder if ths hole is how they got their name in lab tests?).
I have had similiar problems with ice cubes.
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When I was younger I was at a neighborhood christmas party when one of my friends did get a fruit flavored lifesaver lodged in his throat and he was still able to breath becuase of the hole. The candy eventually withered away and went down. But he would have started choking if it were not for the hole.
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