Minuscule: The Insect Race

Minuscule is a fantastic animated series created by Thomas Szabo and Hélène Giraud of French studio Futurikon. The series revolve around the daily lives (and crazy shenanigans) of insects, and are like a cross between a Tex Avery cartoon and microcosmos.

In this clip above, Szabo and Giraud updated the classic Aesop's fable The Tortoise and the Hare, with insects (and mollusk, to be technical about it): Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | If you like that, there are more Minuscule clips on YouTube - Thanks Chris!

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I am very much interested in aqiring the entire series. Does anyone know where i can buy the set? Or how much? I have tried to download,only to fail due to greed and control freaks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou. Cy.
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