Blue Skinned People

Meet the real world equivalent of fictional blue-skinned Andorian [wiki] of Star Trek: the blue people (whose skin color is caused either by a hereditary blood disease or ingestion of elemental silver).

From The Human Marvels:

Argyria is an extremely rare condition caused by the ingestion of elemental silver, silver dust or silver compounds and the most dramatic effect of argyria is that the skin is colored blue or bluish-grey. The most famous person with argyria was Captain Fred Walters. Walters was born in England in 1855 and was a captain in the British army before a degenerative neural condition, locomotor ataxia, prompted his retirement. Treatment for his condition included the ingestion of silver and that regular ingestion caused Captain Walters to turn blue. He subsequently traveled to the United States in 1891 and began a career exhibiting himself for profit.

As time went on Walters allegedly increased his silver intake in an attempt to turn himself as blue as possible. For awhile, he was successful and his deep blue pigmentation resulted in more fame.

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Methemoglobinemia is so ridiculously RARE!!!!
It is VERY difficult to find information about it. The Fugates are the only one That I can find!!! Although this sort of helps me....GO BLUE PEOPLE!!!!
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The Fugates of Kentucky are the best researched case of permanent blue skin. It comes from a hemoglobin deformation that is congenital. A medical compound can bring temporary relief, usually around 12-24 hours by causing the deformed hemoglobin to release some of the CO2 it carries and encouraging proper oxygenation, turning the blood from purple to red, restoring skin from a blue shade to a pink one.
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I saw a show on TLC i think about a woman with that condition. She was turning grey though, not blue. In fact, she looked so strange, as if someone just sucked all the color out of her, she had to wear a lot of makeup just so she doesn't appear as walking dead to people on the street.
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