Archive for September 1st, 2007

Huge Travel Pillow

A travel pillow for those long flights (since you won't have enough time to inflate it during a short distance flight). Measuring 17x15x14x19 inches and priced at $29.95. Link...

"Exploit the Earth or Die" Merchandise

Exploit the Earth or die. It’s not a threat. It’s a fact. Either man takes the Earth’s raw materials—such as trees, petroleum, aluminum, and atoms—and transforms them into the r...

Hidden Flight Simulator in Google Earth

There's a neat flight simulator easter egg in the latest version of Google Earth. Link - via Google Blogoscoped...

Taco Bell Order

Bwahahahaha! This is so awesome: here's how you should order at Taco Bell next time! Check out this video clip, made by Jonathan Fin: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Travis W!See also: Rapping Your Fas...

The Beastly Bombing

Neatorama reader Reechard pointed us to another terrorism-inspired musical: The Beastly Bombing: a Terrible Tale of Terrorist Tamed by the Tangles of True Love"The musical's story begins with two white supremacists,...

Boy Buddha Gave His First Public Speech

Remember Ram Bomjon, the Boy Buddha of Nepal? Mystery continues to swirl around the 18-year-old, which according to some is the reincarnation of Buddha.Last month, Bomjon (who is also known by his official Buddhist name...

Weird USB Gadgets: Fragrance Oil Burner

Add this to the long list of weird USB gadgets out there: the fragrance oil burner USB gadget!Link - (There's even a travel version!) - Thanks kristofer!...

USB Mini Greenhouse

... or this one: a USB-powered mini-greenhouse! The greenhouse comes with adjustable growth light, soil, and even a computer software to monitor your plants' growth rate.Link - Thanks cuimnhe!...

Couple Won Lottery Twice. With Same Numbers!

The Angelo Family of New York won the state's lottery twice in 11 years. And if that's not lucky enough, they won both times with the same numbers!And no, they're not going to tell us the secret...Here's a video of CNN's...

Monkey Chimp Chose Names for Swans

Panbanisha, a bonobo at the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa, has given names to two swans nesting at the center:The latest project began in the spring when the swans were released on the trust's lake. It took mon...

We Suck Prank

Kyle Garchar, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School in Columbus, Ohio, wanted to do something silly for his school's big football game against rival Darby High School.He persuaded Darby High fans to hold up placards,...

Man Swims Around Manhattan - THREE TIMES!

After 9/11, Skip Storch contracted sarcoidosis after inhaling contaminated debris. To raise awareness of this potentially debilitating inflamatory disease (and money for Mount Sinai Hospital's sarcoidosis program),...

Who Needs Anemones?

A newly discovered bright red "reporter protein" called Katushka is set to fill in a crucial gap in advanced imaging technologies:Katushka solves a major problem in the field of fluorescent reporter protein...

Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival

If you’re looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend, head down to Morgan City, Louisiana for the Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival! Deep in the heart of Cajun Contry, every Labor Day Weekend, t...

Maps for Us

Maps for Us is a site where readers can submit maps for Americans who don’t have maps. It doesn’t matter what kind of map. They have a map of the Hundred Acre Wood, a map of the game Clue, a map showing how...

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