When this 3-year-old girl was asked what she was going to do if a monster came after her, the girl's answer was far more intelligible than the recent Miss South Carolina hubbub.
Here's what she's going to do: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Travis W!
I'm gonna kick his ask!
ya it's old but still good.
The phrase "kick his butt" has exactly the same meaning as "kick his ass" (well, where I'm from we use the word arse, but the essence is the same).
So, seriously, someone give me a single plausible reason why "ass" is a bad word and "butt" isn't.
And what a great society we live in where this video could make her a celebrity and earn her all sorts of loot and toys. Can't wait until the follow up when she's say six or so where she's cursing like a trucker and dropping f-bombs. WTF is wrong with people?
And Yak Boy, linguistic quibbles aside, as illogical as it seems, societies just have determined that some behaviors are polite, some are not. This kind of behavior in a child is, to me, nauseating.
Op, gotta go. One of the other inmates wants to use the internet.
And seriously, people need to lighten up about this because I've seen way worse parenting on the daily where I work (retail, of course) Like parents bringing their infants and young children in to rent movies at 12:45 am.
My mom told me a story about her high school boyfriend's little brother, she asked him how old he was and he said "Five." and she said "And what's your name?" and he said "Shut up motherfucker, I'm SUPERMAN!" I think that's hilarious. Funnier than this kid. Man, you should hear what kids on the streets of Manhattan say sometimes. They're amazing.
your primitive notions of manners and class amuse us. our language changes and grows and it always has, even the most polite of conversation today would be considerd most profane 100 years ago. there will always be people behind the curve of popular language, those people will in many situations just be spoken to diffrently to avoid conflict, but it wont slow down the evolution of the english language. -dave .p
But I do it anyway. Mom doesn't seem to care. ;)