Oxygen Therapy for Dogs


Japanese company AirPress opened a cafe catering to pet lovers: it offers a luxurious pet therapy, where you can put your dog in a large clear chamber and give it an oxygen treatment!

That's not the only funny thing about the cafe: its name is the abbreviation of Oxygen, Water, Nutrition and Dogs or OWND.

http://www.air-press.com/ownd_cafe.html [in Japanese] - via Akihabara News

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Thank you Cyberslug. The others who have commented simply do not know the difficulties a responsible pet owner has to go through when their pet has developed serious respiratory problems and/or tracheal collapse. It is scary and very emotional to watch your dog struggle to breathe as you gather your options. Most of them are intolerant to exercise,have their tongues turn blue when they go on the shortest of walks,and can't stop coughing. The owners/pets are not lazy and it is emotionally and physically exhausting to both human and pet. The disease/conditions are extremely aggressive and progress at a incredible rate (hours/days sometimes). Decisions need to be made quickly and YES inhalers and oxygen tanks/chambers are a way to make your pet comfortable and suffer less as you make these difficult decisions within a very short time frame. This is equivalent to an ICU unit for humans. Think how you would feel if someone were to make fun of your child or family member as they struggled for what could be their last moments of life as you had to make the difficult decision to pull the plug or try last resort procedures that may or may not work...not so funny now is it?? This along with the added pressure of no insurance coverage for the animal (which I strongly recommend every pet owner get) AND THE INCREDIBLE COSTS PET OWNERS HAVE TO PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE. Try having a little compassion and placing yourself in someone eles's shoes,(or maybe you own human version) before making such crass comments that hit the heart of pet owners in these painful and heart breaking situations. I hope that this blog response will help educate people about these serious situations/temporary solutions regarding pets and these chambers/diseases and have a little more compassion before mocking a dog that is most likely dying in a photo/discussion they see. To most of us these are our children and family members who are just as important and loved as our human counterparts. If that is not you, then maybe you shouldn't comment or be so quick to judge/mock on things you know nothing about. If not then the next time you go to a human hospital, visit an ICU unit, or shock trauma and see your loved one lying there struggling for life then maybe..just maybe.. this little blog comment may pop into your head and you might think twice before saying such damaging words to someone who may be at one of their most difficult times in life with someone they love very dearly.

Peace,love, light, and comfort to all of those who have been there with our furry and non furry loved ones.
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