Here's the part that really interested me:
Then they "totally had a breakdown" and eventually began to use humour to help them get through the ordeal.
"I told my brother 'your wife is going to have to marry someone else'", Meng Xianyou told the newspaper.
His brother replied: "I laughed too. I said my wife could find a rich man in Shenyang.
"But then I thought, I have two children and my wife is ugly, so it would be hard for her to remarry."
Wife's probably going to serve him urine every chance she gets, right? Read the whole thing. Photo found here.
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When it comes to drinking urine, I think the issue is not so much impurities in the urine, but rather, it's the high salt content. I believe that will get your kidneys into trouble (just like drinking saltwater). So, what one really needs is a urination-desalination system -- some sort of stil essentially. That might be pretty easy, depending on what's down there.
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So you can eat coal and live?
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They could have filtered the urine through the coal...
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Ewwww looks like piss to me. :p
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He better hope his wife is illiterate, too, or he's going to be in the doghouse.
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