An initiative called The Aphrodite Project has created GPS-enabled safety shoes for sex workers.
Each sandal will have an audible alarm system, which emits a piercing noise to scare off attackers. The shoes are also outfitted with a built in GPS receiver and an emergency button that relays both the prostitute's location and a silent alarm signal to public emergency services. Where there are problematic relations with law enforcement, i.e. most places, the shoes will relay the signal to sex workers' rights groups, such as PONY in New York, COYOTE in Los Angeles, or SWEAT in South Africa.
Link - via The Raw Feed
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hahahaha! Jackson FTW!
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They should include a meter that starts ticking when the shoes are inverted.
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I thought this was a great idea...until I looked at the website. It doesn't sound as much like they are an accessible reality for sex workers, as they are an art project to make a statement. The creator’s statement said that the shoes were meant to stir up debate- but what about practicality? I mean another forum for debate is great, but safety is a real issue for sex workers, not a philosophical one. Are any of them really going to get these super shoes...or will they just tour in a gallery? Maybe I am missing something…
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this is some kind of pretentious tongue in cheek joke, right? or some way to get a bunch of idiots to throw money into somebody's wardrobe fund? how is this better than a little clip on thing for the belt/bra? stupid, not funny, accomplishes nothing. LAME.
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