Remember the story where a girl was taken to the hospital for overdosing on espresso? Here's another story, this time it's Red Bull energy drink:
A MAN whose heart stopped after he consumed eight Red Bull energy drinks in five hours has called for an overhaul of the product's warning labels.
Matthew Penbross, 28, collapsed after downing the popular drinks, each containing 80 milligrams of caffeine, last Sunday.
He drank the Red Bull while competing in a motocross event on the state's Mid North Coast.
His heart stopped and he needed defibrillation from ambulance officers.
Link (pic from Red Bull's entry on Wikipedia) - via i-am-bored
Note that 8oz Coffee (drip) has 115-175mg
Which means the fellow had the equivalent of 3-6 cups of coffee over a five hour period.
Some overdose!
I guess it really would give you wings...
Now he is calling for an overhaul to the warnings?? What good would that do if he didn't read the original.
Do it all the time... never felt any heart flutter at all. Perhaps the alcohol counters the caffine affect.