From Hauser, Robert M. 2002. "Meritocracy, cognitive ability, and the sources of occupational success." CDE Working Paper 98-07 (rev). Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. | Research Article [PDF] - via MoPo
I guess that rating would be too embarrassing.
I've met a LOT of professors who would rate far below 100 on IQ for general knowledge but they have one small area of expertise that gets them accolades.
Of the top 9, social scientists are the profession with the lowest IQ.
Hauser is a social scientist at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
I am getting tired of correcting people about the differences between IQ and knowledge. Hey! Even wisdom is different than both of those.
So don't. Let them be stupid/unwise/ignorant.
Intelligence is subjective. Wisdom and knowledge is about being able to create something worthwhile.
Some have an aptitude for IQ tests and nothing else.
No generalising about profesions average IQ is rubbish.
Ask a legal occs about art or the classics; knowledge level 0 but they will buy the art works and listen to opera singers who they would love to emmulate.
I'll stay with my 164 level IQ and have fun thanks.
The Baldchemist
If you have such a high IQ (164, I doubt it), how come you can't spell? I count 3 spelling errors on your petty post.
My work not only wins awards but makes me a very considerable amount of money also.
My point was that occupations should have a higher level of knowledge within the occupation. You would not expect an artist to have the same level of knowledge about law as alawyer would you?
Wisdom, as our friend above comments, now that is the most desirable.
Take care and get as much you as you can from every day.. oh and try not to be too sceptical.It aint good for the creative juices.
1) Sample size: data are collected for sample sizes of "30 cases or more" for each occupation; hmmm, that really seems like a broad and effective sampling to me...not.
2) Sample population: "Based on [male/female] Wisconsin [University] graduates and siblings who reported a job during 1992-94". Yeah, we all know that Wisconsin is a hub of science, engineering and technology.... right.... maybe that's why MDs are the smartest ones there... because it's Wisconsin for godssake! I'm pretty sure the engineers who designed the Mars rover have an IQ higher than 130.