What happens if participants in a business meeting behave like Internet commenters? Here's a funny (because it's true) video clip: Hit play or go to http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1771556 [College Humor]. Warning: crude language. Thanks Stephanie Belsky!
God help us all.
... and missing from the video: lolcats!
I had to leave the gamespy forums because nobody even listens to you if you're a girl.
Especially the thing about being female. Ugh.
They referenced lolcatz. The woman said "I see whut u did thar." After the guys did a Borat impression.
...Oh, well, I guess not.
it's sooooooooo N0000000000000B of me.
That is very, very, very clever
A required response to include, surely...
That's why it's "pwned" and/or "gayy"
And, so now you see this whole video is gay.
me: If you really got too much time, i got a flagpole you can sitta your office crew on. ROFL bewbs.
You're an idiot, think before posting.
Watch the video fool. It was sarcasm.
Now I really -really- want to work there. *drool*
I agree saying FIRST is really lame:)
that was fucking gay