4 Utopian Communities That Bombed Miserably

Every once in a while a proud little community will sprout up just to let the world know how Utopia should be run. With chins raised almost as high as ideals, the community marches forth to be an example of perfection. But in most cases , all that harmonious marching gets tripped up pretty quickly. Here are four "perfect" communities that whizzed and sputtered thanks to human nature.

1. Brook Farm, or Ripley's Follow Me or Not

Probably the best-known utopian community in America, Brook Farm [wiki] was founded in 1841 in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, by George [wiki] and Sophia Ripley.

The commune was built on a 200-acre farm with four buildings and centered on the ideals of radical social reform and self-reliance. For free tuition in the community school and one year's worth of room and board, the residents were asked to complete 300 days of labor by either farming, working in the manufacturing shops, performing domestic chores or grounds maintenance, or planning the community's recreation projects.

The community prospered in 1842-1843 and was visited by numerous dignitaries and utopian writers. However, Ripley joined the unpopular Fourierism movement, which meant that soon the young people (out of a "sense of honor") had to do all the dirty work like repairing roads, cleaning stables, and slaughtering animals. This caused many residents, especially the younger ones, to leave. Things went downhill from there. The community was hit by a outbreak of smallpox followed by fire and finally collapsed in 1847.

2. Fruitlands: A Utopian Community (for Six Months Anyway)

After visiting Brook Farm and finding it almost too worldly by their standards, Bronson Alcott [wiki] (the father of Louisa May) and Charles Lane founded the Fruitlands Commune in June 1843, in Harvard, Massachusetts.

Structured around the British reformist model, the commune's members were against the ownership of property, were political anarchists, believed in free love, and were vegetarians. The group of 11 adults and a small number of children were forbidden to eat meat or use any animal products such as honey, wool, beeswax, or manure. They were also not allowed to use animals for labor and only planted produce that grew up out of the soil so as not to disturb worms and other organisms living in the soil.

Many in the group of residents saw manual labor as spiritually inhibiting and soon it became evident that the commune could not provide enough food to sustain its members. The strict diet of grains and fruits left many of the members malnourished and sick. Given this situation, many of the members left and the community collapsed in January 1844.

3. The Shakers

Shakers (Image: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire)

Officially known as the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, the Shakers [wiki] were founded in Manchester, England, in 1747. As a group of dissenting Quakers under the charismatic leadership of Mother Ann Lee, the Shakers came to America in 1774.

Like most reformist movements of the time, the Shakers were agriculturally based, and believed in common ownership of all property and the confessions of sins. Unlike most of the other groups, the Shakers practiced celibacy, or the lack of procreation. Membership came via converts or by adopting children. Shaker families consisted of "brothers" and "sisters" who lived in gender-segregated communal homes of up to 100 individuals.

During the required Sunday community meetings it was not uncommon for members to break into a spontaneous dance, thus giving them the Shaker label. As pacifists they were exempted from military service and became the United States' first conscientious objections during the Civil War.

Currently, however, there isn't a whole lot of Shaking going on. As the younger members left the community, converts quit coming, and the older ones died off, many of the communities were forced to close. Of the original 19 communities, most had closed by the early 1900s, with only one in existence today.

4. Pullman's Capitalist Utopia

Located 15 miles south of Chicago, the town of Pullman [wiki] was founded in the 1880s by George Pullman [wiki] (of the luxury railway car fame) as a utopian community based on the notion that capitalism was the best way to meet all material and spiritual needs.

According to Pullman's creed, the community was built to provide Pullman's employees with a place where each resident had to adhere to the strict tenets of capitalism under the direction and leadership of Pullman.

The community was run on a for-profit basis--the town had to return a profit of 7% annually. This was done by giving the employees two paychecks, one for rent, which was automatically turned back in to Pullman, and one for everything else.

Interestingly, the utopian community had very rigid social class barriers, with the management and skilled workers living in tenements. Within 20 years the experiment failed miserably. Pullman began demanding more and more rent to offset company loses, while union sentiment grew among the employee residents.

From mental_floss' book Forbidden Knowledge: A Wickedly Smart Guide to History's Naughtiest Bits, published in Neatorama with permission.

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1. Seo Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 2:46 am

Lets not forget the Jim Jones Massacre of a few decades ago - although more religious than Utopean, it still deserves a comparison

I think there is a difference between religious cults and utopian communities, but some could be a combination of the two, like the Waco Texas community and global communities like Baghwan.
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Wait, the Shakes (and the Quakers) still exist today. Okay, so their number have dwindled, sure, but they still do exist. I don't know what I'd call it "bombed miserably" compared to the other people who couldn't figure out how to feed themselves.

My grandparents were Quakers. Absolutely amazing people.
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The Oneida Soceity in upstate NY is another good one. It survived for about 30 years (pretty good by comarison to most) and its remants still exist as the Oneida company that makes silverware.

Read about the Oneida Society -- they had some pretty peculiar practices regard plural marriage, sexual practice, eugenics, &c.

Kudos to Steven for the recognition of the USSR's own failed experiment.

Finally, the current planned Free State Project (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_Project) is worthy of mention. They've got a tough row to hoe, considering that New Hampshire is already pretty well populated. It's not like Utah which was essential open ('cept for some pesky Indians) for the Mormons. It will be tough for them to attain critical mass, but I'm tempted to sign up :-)
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Not sure if it was "hardcore" utopian or not, but this article reminded me of Rugby, TN.


A gorgeous place to visit with several nice B&B's still operating (for profit, of course).
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Yeah, I don't think the Shakers belong on there. They may have dwindled in number and only survived for, oh, 200 years, but not because of any particular failure that would qualify as "bombed miserably". And they left behind some nice furniture.
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There's also Sointula in British Columbia. I think it only lasted four years or so as a "utopia" (though the town exists to this day).

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The Shaker *religion* may have survived, but the commune didn't.

The 'capitalist' utopia is quite telling. Pullman's greed (ie, human greed) counteracted the ideals, proving it's a system that will collapse on itself just as much as any other.
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Oh well: at least none of the inhabitants of the aforementioned groups ended like the people of Rapture... ;-)


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Me and my friend are doing a project on Utopian societies and were needing infomation about how many there were in certain years. This gave us a lot of good information and ideas for our project.

I think the Utopians/communities are fascinating!
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I am wondering if there are any current active Utopian community's active in the world that i can research? I am researching Byrdcliff but are there any more that are less relgious and more into art etc like Byrdcliff...

if so please email me a link besides wikipeda as i cant use it in my essay. Appreciate the help if anyone can.: beardrewz@hotmail.com
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I am doing a big project in school on Utopias. We have to create a virtual Utopia. Not a real functioning one but we have to figure out a system then somehow present it. I am trying to get good grade, and I need to know of some full functioning utopias. Things I need to know about are things that put them into the category of a utopia, like some of the things that wouldn't make them perfect, how did they they deal with everyday problems. We are currently reading the book "The Giver" if you have not read it yet it is amazing. Its about a fully functioning utopia that has been around for hundreds of years. They have somethings called sameness they go by. Now of course this in Fiction but its a must read and for my project Im trying to find some original ideas that are not mentioned in book. Things like methods of transportation,clothing, jobs. Any information you may have along those lines about any successful utopias please email me at kaylascandles@aol.com
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To the person who is doing a report but can't use Wikipedia... go to Wikipedia anyways and look at their sources. It's a neat trick that my Dad taught me ;)

Am I Team Edward or Team Jacob? Neither! I'm Team Rocket!

~Team Rocket's Rockin'~
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i dont carabout this i just have to do this for a project> dont get it stwisted i really dont kare i think this stuff is mad crazy thoiugh ppl shouldent join that because how do they suppose to be peacfull when. When u try to leace they wil ltry to kill u and they eat each other that is sooooo nasty i never herd of anyhting like that in my en tire life....WIERDOS!!!
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