Archive for August 15th, 2007

"On the Training of Children."

Yes, those were the good old days, before violent video games . . . This cautionary woodcut by Albrecht Durer is one of many used to illustrate Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools (1494), an excellent example of a popular...

The Worst Slogan Translations Ever has a post about the top 13 worst slogan translations ever. At number 12 is one from Sweden: Scandinavian vacuum manufacturer Electrolux used the following in an American campaign: "Nothing Sucks like...

7 Underhanded Sports Tactics.

Seven cases of not-quite-standard arenas, athletes who aren’t what they appear to be, shortcuts, and hitting below the belt. Some go the extra mile to win, even if that includes bending or even breaking the rules....

Hourglass Nightlight.

This nightlight by Sun Young Lee will go off by itself as you drift off to sleep. The light only stays on while the sand in the hourglass passes by! To turn it back on, just flip it over. Link -via Gizmodo...

Olympic Streetlamps.

in celebration of the 2008 Olympics, the city of Mudanjiang, China erected streetlamps shaped like athletes! Link...


Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth that came into use during the Edo period (1603-1868); it was used in public bathhouses for spreading on the floor while undressing and for wrapping bathing articles....


Lenore at Evil Mad Scientist adapted the traditional “tumbling blocks” quilt pattern and made a pieced quilt based on the videogame Q*bert! Link...

World's Most Unwanted Garbage: Cargo of the Khian Sea.

Khian Sea barge docked in Florida in June 2002 (Image: Nature)Almost by definition, garbage is stuff nobody wants. You usually have to pay someone to take it off your hands. Sometimes, if the garbage is really u...

Hamutsun Serve: Popping Duo from Japan

Hamutsun Serve is a delightful Japanese "popper" duo who performs a street dance style known as popping [wiki].Check out their performance here: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | More Hamutsun Serve [list of Y...

Crowded Pool

Don't believe the photo above? Trends in Japan got a video clip of this incredibly crowded wave pool in Tokyo Summerland: Link - Thanks Michael!Other crowded places: crowded beach in China, Korea; crowded subway...

Maximum Occupancy.

Dark Roasted Blend has posted another edition of weird signs, including this scary infographic from an Israeli bus. Link...

Picture Tic Tac Toe.

Pic-Tac-Toe is a nine-picture grid puzzle where the three pictures in each row, vertical, horizontal, and diagonal, share a common theme. You figure out what they have in common! The middle square has to pertain to four...

Don’t Stop.

It’s Walk vs. Don’t Walk in this video by Joeri Holsheimer. Push play or go to YouTube. -via Viral Video Chart...

Birthday Stars.

Birthday Stars is a generator that will find a star whose distance matches your age in light years from earth. For example, if you are 28 years and 6 months old, it will find a star 28.5 light years away from earth. Th...

Toilet Paper Origami

Origami Resource Center will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about Toilegami - the origami-style folding of toilet paper. Link - Craftzine...

MS Paint Parody

-The future is right around the corner. -The future is now. -The future is in the past. Link [YouTube] - via Macfeber...

Rattlesnake Bite Story

In 2002, just after his 13th birthday, Justin Schwartz was bitten by a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Here's his story, complete with gruesome photos of the wound and more than 10 surgeries he endured to finally get we...

Metal Storm Gun Fires A Million Bullets Per Minute

If one bullet is good, then a million bullet has got to be better, right? At least that's the thinking behind Metal Storm weapon systems, which got its inspiration from an ink jet printer...Hit play or go to Link [YouTub...

Man Keeps Healthy by Zapping Self with Electricity

This Chinese man has a particularly electrifying way of keeping his body fit: he let electric current pass through his body! Zhang, who controls the voltage, once cooked a fish which he held in his hand as the curren...

Picasso's Girl with a Mandolin, Animated by Michael Tavarez

Michael Tavarez created this awesome animation where Pablo Picasso's painting the Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier) came to life ...Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Michael's website...

Porcupine Magnetic Paper Clip Holder

How cute is this?! A magnetic paper clip holder shaped like a porcupine by Korean designer Mika Kim.Link...

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