Oops, Magician Sawed Assistant in Half!


What happened after a magician accidentally "chainsawed" his trusty assistant in half?? Check out this very clever magic trick: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

This is pretty awesome. The Youtube link led me to the Criss Angel one, which I kind of like better. It's less like a vaudeville act, I think. Maybe I just like Criss Angel's style more. XD

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There is a sort of hidden camera horror show called room 401. They perform illusions to freak out unsuspecting targets. They used this illusion in an ice factory, two guys were hired to load ice into trucks and witnessed an ice carver saw his fellow employee in half.
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I heard the way they do this illusion is with a contortionist and a person without legs or pelvis, a rare disease called sacral agenesis. Pretty crazy when you see it for the first time though!
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I like this version better then Criss Angel, Criss claim this his version had never been done that way before ...

Johnny Eck & Rajah Raboid did it this way in the 30's

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Criss Angel reminds me of an annoying dorky kid who wanted to hang out with the goths who work at cinnabun, but they just kept teasing him...so, he decided to learn some magic, which only made him more annoying. So to save his ego, he decided that everyone was just jealous of him. Then he got a tv show. The end.
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This version is definately better than Criss Angel, mainly because these guys do it in a fun, non-serious way. Makes it all the more impressive when they are not trying to make their tricks look "real" by shocking the audience.
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