Archive for August 10th, 2007

Myths or Facts?

Is it dangerous to shower in a thunderstorm? Will you drown if you eat before swimming? Will eating at night make you fat? Will having sex before a game hurt sports performance?Check out this ABC World News webcast with...

Funny Lawyer Firm Names

The Wall Street Journal blog has a post about Law Firm Names That Are Funny. For example:Payne & Fears, Low, Ball & Lynch, Bickers & Bickers, Ball & Weed, Gunn & Hicks, Allen, Allen, Alle...

The Analog MySpace: a Coffee Shop in Macedonia

MySpace is a place for friends, so it makes somewhat of a distorted-trademark-infringing sense that a coffee shop in Macedonia pirated its name and logo!However, like Neatorama reader cchevy, who suggested this piece, sa...

The Bacon Tomb: One Year Later

What is that? It's a result of a year-long experiment at the WAREHOUSE: a slice of uncooked bacon entombed in a lexan box. (Maybe it'll last longer if it were encased in glass!)I can't believe Carl kept it a whole year,...

General Tso: Who is He? And What's He Got to Do with Chicken?

Almost all Chinese restaurants in the USA have this dish, but have you ever wondered: who was General Tso? What has he got to do with chicken? This website will explain:If you read the biography below (written by a m...

Fishing Rod Pen

How awesome is this: a telescoping fishing rod that "shrinks" down to just 8 in. (20.3 cm) long! Link...

Shopping Bag + Subway Grate = Art?

German artist Richard The tied shopping bags on to subway grates in New York City - as the subway train passes, the air flowing through the grates will inflate the bags, creating an "ephemeral sculpture."Now, i...

The Cross, The Fish, and ... The Rooster?

Why the rooster? According to Scribal Terror:Iconographically correct, if that's supposed to be a rooster. From the earliest days, Christians have viewed the rooster as a symbol of the call of Christ, signaling a new...

Yin and Yang Egg

This eggscellent yin and yang, titled "Eggregation" is made by DPChallenge user scalvert:It took me a few tries to make this happen: I cut the white shape (and the hole) out of thick paperboard to make a mo...

Mutatoes: Mutant Veggies and Fruits

Uli Westphal's latest artwork is a collection of beautiful photographs of produce - not just any ol' fruits and veggies you find in your supermarket, these are mutant ones!MutatoesBeing a collection...

Comically Large Things.

My name is James, and I love things that are comically large! Nothing makes my day more than finding a pad of sticky notes that are bigger than they have any right to be, or seeing a story on the news about a woma...

Warhol vs Banksy

10 August - 1 September 2007 the Hospital Gallery in London presents Warhol vs. Banksy - "a face to face show of classic drawings and paintings by Andy Warhol set against the infamous graffiti work of Banksy." htt...

Best Toy Commercial.

"The exciting new Tommy Burst detective set." Click play or go to Link [YouTube]....

Bizarro: Budget Dental Clinic

Today's Bizarro is strangely coincidental with Miss Cellania's recent post "Tiny Ninjas"! For more Bizarro comic, check out Dan Piraro's website: Link...

Man Eats Socks to Avoid Breathalyzer

Police in Walkerton, Ontario had a surprising encounter with a suspected drunk driver on the holiday weekend when he refused to take a breath test. A 19-year-old man was sitting in his car with the lights off on a...

Motorized Pool Lounger.

This inflatable lounger has two joystick-controlled shrouded propellers to move you around. I want one of these, even though I don’t have a pool. How long do you think it would take to get across a lake in this...

All in the Family: 5 Wars Waged on Familial Insults

Wars can start for all sorts of reasons: to secure trade routes, to capture resources, to eliminate a dangerous rival … but the most interesting wars flare up because of personal insults that lead to family...

VideoSift: Top Picks in the Last 24 Hours

It's time for another five awesome video clip from VideoSift! All of these clips are picked from just the last 24 hours (from when I prepare this post, that is). Now that's quality sifting at the 'Sift!...

Google Linen Shop in Venezuela

More Google store insanity! This time, a Google Linen Shop in Venezuela, spotted by Flickr user g3rswin - Thanks Guillermo!...

Can a Banana Get Rid of CD Scratches?

I've heard of removing minor scratches on CDs using toothpaste, but apparently, banana will work just as well: Hit play or go to Link [metacafe] - via Videoenlaces, thanks Anna Veltfort!...

Creepy Business Name

Neatorama readers had submitted some very funny names for our new Funny Business Name category, but Zantony suggested something else: a creepy van with this strange name: Rapex Contracting Corp. (Maybe it's French and it...

What Else Can It Be Used For?

Every Wednesday, Kris Bordessa of Great Solutions to Team Challenges blog put up a question: what else can an ordinary object, normally associated with just one function, be used for?For instance, when she asked what els...

Happy Birthday, Lego!

Neatorama has celebrated the Lego many times. Here’s a look at how Lego bricks are made. Today is the company’s 75th birthday! Parties were due to take place around the world Friday for Danish toy firm...

How to make a glowing tomato.

Three household chemicals and a syringe are all you need. Just don’t eat it! Push play or go to Metacafe. -via Ursi’s Blog...

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