DIY Droste Effect

Image Credit: Droste Effect: manyone1, Original: svacher

Flickr user Pisco Bandito wrote a tutorial on how to create your very own Droste effect [wiki] photo using Mathmap for Windows and GIMP.

Or you can just gawk at the cool photos others had created at the Escher's Droste Print Gallery [Flickr] - via Microsiervos (whom we always love!)

Previously on Neatorama: Droste Effect in Escher

I found it interesting that this art "type" is similar in concept to that of video feedback, in which an individual hooks a camcorder to a TV to broadcast what's recorded, and then turns the camcorder back onto the TV screen, thereby creating "feedback." This effect has been said to produce images thought to be some form of contact with the dead, although I'm dubious of the claim.
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How about a CS4 plugin that lets you do similar stuff?
The effect it simulates:
Wish I had CS4!
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