Squirrels injured in plane crash.

A plane crashed and caught on fire near the Ft. Lauderdale airport. The three occupants walked away uninjured, but two squirrels on the ground suffered burns and broken bones. They were taken to the local Wildlife Care Center for treatment, and are expected to make a full recovery. http://keyetv.com/watercooler/watercooler_story_215231718.html (with video) -via Fark

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Be honest, miranda.
We know the truth. This is just another link in the chain of Neatorama's anti-squirrel agenda.

Soon, you'll be reading about robotic squirrels from Japan that require little care, not like these pesky airport-infesting critters.

Why, it's diabolical.
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as a veterinary technician in south florida, and a volunteer wildlife reahbilitator, i can tell you that squirrels make TERRIBLE pets. they can't be housebroken,(they do just run around in trees all day, and use urine and feces to mark territory) they are skittish, being fearful over any diosturbance or changes in their envirnment, and are uterly miserable being in a cage.

how would you like to live in a one bedroom apartment, when your kitchen is right next to an open toilet? that you can't flush? i thought so.

also, even though their is no shortage of squirrels, they are still our responsibilty, since we are the only other species that completly alters and destroys our envirnment in a manner that doesn't benefit other species very much. yes-elephants knock down trees, which opens up more areas for young trees and brush... we destroy a forested area, lay down thousands of tons of concrete, build huge hangers, and fly huge iron machines full of flammable liquid around, simply to satisfy our own needs. oh-and we regularly patrol these man-made monstrocities, eradicating native aniamls we don't want, and then using pesticides, fertilizers, and lawnmowers to make the airport "look pleasant". which leaves little for other species to benefit from. except bugs. and vagrants.

humans suck.
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